"Do any of you still feel the desire to attack us?" I asked, letting my voice go more gentle. All of these wolves were extremely skinny,  almost brittle looking, making me wonder what Dene was doing; letting his pack have wolves so weak, they couldn't defend themselves properly, even in their fur. They shook their heads, only the girl was in her skin.

"Good. Do any of you know where the orders were coming from, or where Dene went to receive them?" They shook their heads again, making me sigh. "okay then, so long as you swear upon the goddess that you will never harm anyone of my pack again, then I will let you go."

The rest of the Omega's turned into their skin, showing me that they were just a small family of four. Two sisters and their parents. They all swore to the goddess that they would leave us alone, so I let them go. Danny turned back into his skin, wearing his clothes both as a Wolf and as a human like me, and turned to Chase – the only Wolf here he didn't know.

Chase easily turned back into his skin, but he wore no clothing, which I didn't particularly mind, but that didn't mean that I wanted my children to see. I clicked my tongue at them, and they scrambled over to me, turning into their skin as they went, yipping in joy at our victory. Kane came over at the same time, seeming to understand what he needed to do, and herded my children around the corner of the house. There I could see them perfectly but they couldn't see Chase.

"Who are you?" Danny asked, sizing Chase up. He smiled, and let his eyes fall on me.

"I am Kayla's mate." He said, never taking his eyes off of me. Danny growled, suspicious of him all the more.

"Kay, is he telling the truth?  That Dene guy said the exact same thing before he knocked Hana and I out."

"He did what?!" I asked, wishing I could bring him back from the dead to kill him myself this time.

"He knocked us out and had his pack drag us away into some cells. If not for Hana's friends in the pack, we would have still been in there."

Hana, still in her fur, yipped her confirmation at his story. I closed my hands into fists, anger cursing through me. What was he planning to do to my brother and his mate? Turn them over to his boss?  Sell them as slaves or Normal Wolves? I gritted my teeth together.

A hand suddenly grabbed mine, making me look up, warm sparks from the contact making their way up my arm to gather in my lower belly. Chase rubbed his tumbled on the back of my hand, the jester calming me down enough to think clearly. We needed to get out of here. As if coming to the same conclusion himself, Chase spoke up.

"Come to my pack," he said watching me then facing everyone here, "They all would love to accept you in it, if you would like to join."

It would be a place to stay for a while, but I had a feeling that we wouldn't be staying there for very long. Whether my knew it or not, I was not going to start living in houses again. If I did, I would start to grow soft, not relying on my instincts to keep me alive. If someone was out there hunting my parents down, then they would come after me, my pups, Danny and any children that he my have, eventually, too. No matter where we went, it wouldn't be safe for very long. We would have to live like a real pack, in the wild, if we were to survive this. That is, until the threat was completely gone.

I nodded my head at him and changed back into my fur, indicating that the discussion was over. With a scowl on his face Danny changed too, then Chase. My pups ran over to me, when they saw me, changing mid strides, and snapped at my paws playfully as they danced about me.

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