Polarity By Polarity: Empathy- I. Polarity's Discourse

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Polarity By Polarity


I. Polarity's Discourse

When I, speaking of our polarities,

Declare this life a sour and barren sea,

of cruel and endless entropic wastelands.

I also speak of its, times forgotten-

Time and tide eroded, old, youthful dance.

A climatic revolt 'gainst all thought's end.

Only when the winds of eternal bliss,

Can know death's caress for its guiding kiss;

Inviting Peace to its eternity;

to turn the great gears of polarity.

Then pull cold midnights into summer 'noons.

Where all fate's hate and love becomes attuned

so we may proudly live without these masks;

Humbly behold life's beauty. Ever vast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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