*Special* Getting Ready For The Date (Pacifica)

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Pacifica's POV

I woke early this morning, knowing that today was the day of my date with Dipper. I got off of my bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth really well that I could make anyone admire the beauty and whiteness of my teeth. Then, I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower.

When I finished with my shower, I went to my room and went to the closet. 'What should I wear? Should I wear my favorite fancy dress or should I wear a casual outfit?' I imagined our date together: We were sitting on the bench at the park and Dipper was smiling at me. Dipper got up and held out his hands for mine. I reached for Dipper's hand and grabbed it. We walked together to the ice cream stand and we had ice cream for our own. We ate our ice cream and started walking around the park. We stopped walking to look at the pine tree. We saw the squirrels run and play around, but their was one squirrel that was looking at us. The squirrel ran right to us. I got scared and my ice cream fell on my dress. 'Yeah, I'm not wearing my favorite fancy dress'.

I grabbed my purple dress, my purple sweater, my black tights, and my boots. When I put them on, I put on my earrings and put my lip gloss on my lips. After I was done, I left my room and went downstairs. I was about to leave my big mansion, but my father was in my way.

"Pacifica Northwest, where do you think you're going?"

"Outside, to hangout with my friends."

My father gave me his scary stare, that wasn't scary to me anymore, since my mind was looking forward to the date I'm planning to go to. My father noticed that I wasn't afraid and stopped his scary stare.

"You're not going anywhere, unless you tell me where are you going, and who are you going with".

"Father, you know my friends. Why are you making such a big deal?"

"Because, I saw you with that little Pine Boy. Why were you alone with him?"


"Could it be that you wanted to be friends and that you are trying to meet up with him?"


I looked away from my father and tried to reach for the door.

"Are you trying to run away from your own father?"

My father reached into his pocket and took out the bell that I really hate. I was not about to have my day ruined because of my father. I turned and walked to my father. Before he could shake the bell, I snatched it from him and threw it away.

"You're not about to ruin my day with Dipper!"

After I said that, my father was in shock. I turned away from him and left the mansion. One of the security guards walked to me, asking if I wanted a ride. I told him yes and he drove me to the park.

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