"The fuck is goin' on?" I asked licking my lower lip.

"I didn't know we were gonna have a party here bruh." He said.

I tightened the grip on my gun and shot at him but I missed. I never miss a shot, never! He grabbed his gun that was on the floor and shot at me but the bullet went through the door.

"STOP IT, STOP IT!" Leila cried.

We both threw our gun on the floor and started to punch the shit outta each other until he was on the floor.


"Both if y'all get the fuck out." I said through gritted teeth.

"She's awake." The doctors walked towards us through the doors.

"She's been shot in the arm but we've fixed it up and she'll be alright. You may know see her." She smiled at me.

"As for Yolanda, she's had a few broken bones on her right arm but everything is fine. Keisha does have a fractured foot, Nala is also fine, just a few scratches. But Toby has a couple burns on his back that were now treating." She informed us.

"Thank you so much. Any news on the kids?" Orlando asked.

"The kids are fine, you've got nothing to worry about. They're with their mothers. You may make your way through." She walked off.

We all went our separate ways and I entered the room that Alexus was staying with. My 2 beautiful kids were laying there and I smiled walking over towards them. I picked up Rochelle and kissed her cheek. She looked just like Alexus I think. She had my nose but everything else was Alexus'. I placed her down and moved on to Romain. He was asleep just like he usually is. I kissed his forehead and laid him back down.

"You good?" I asked Alexus licking my lower lip.

"Yeah.." She mumbled lowly.

"Well, we won.." I looked at the wall.

"Hm.." She slowly nodded her head.

"You can go if you want.." She shrugged.

"Nah, its cool." I shook my head.

It got quiet. It was awkward between us, very awkward. I took a look at the twins and was going to say something but nothing came out.

"Thanks..For saving me, you know?" She spoke.

"I could've died tonight if it wasn't for you." She gave me a weak smile.

"Well, it's my jobs to save you. These kids need you, I need you." I looked down at my wristwatch.

"How are the others?" She asked me.

"They all broke something. Keisha has a fractured foot, Nala has a few scratches, Toby has burns and Yolanda has a broken arm." I explained.

"Not all of them broke something." She giggled a little.

"Yeah, you're right." I nodded my head.

"I feel like now's the right time.." I mumbled.

"Huh?" She scrunched her face because she couldn't hear me.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was an asshole and I shouldn't have done what I did. It's too late now and, I found out she cheated on me anyways." I shrugged.

"Ha, that's what yo' dumbass gets." She laughed and sat up a little.

I smacked my teeth and shook my head. She's right, that's what my dumbass gets. She looked at me and she put her free arm out. I put it down and laid beside as she rested her head on my chest.

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