"Yeah. An elixir. This will cure your dreamshade poisoning once and for all." Gold said making a smile grow across his face.

"You really found a cure already? And I owe you nothing?" David asked making sure.

It's on the house. Now that we are family though if I ever needed a favor I'm sure you'd be more then perceptive." Gold said before walking away.

"What are you waiting for? Drink it!" Mary Margaret said as Maya chuckled. He took the bottle and drank it. "Well?" Mary Margaret asked looking to him. David smiled and leaned across the table to kiss her. Maya smiled at them.

"I'm assuming that means it worked?" Maya asked looking to them. David looked to Maya and winked as she chuckled and took a bite of her lasagna.

"What are you thinking?" Mary Margaret asked him.

"I'm thinking that maybe we can-" he started as he got closer to her and whispered. "Start on that baby?"

Maya coughed as she looked to them. "I can still hear you." She said with a bit of disgust. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She said as she got up and walked to the bathroom. She had to pee anyway so might as well.

As she finished she came back and David was gone. Mary Margaret explained what was going on and she continued to eat. Soon Maya heard screaming coming from outside.

"Did you hear that?" Maya asked looking to her mom.

"No what was it?" Mary Margaret asked concerned.

"We should go find out." Maya said as they got up and went to where Maya heard screaming. They looked to see David, Emma, Tink, and Hook all over Mother Superiors body.

"No. Is she?" Maya started to say before covering her mouth.

"The shadow. It killed her." Emma said looking to Maya. The girl dropped to her knees.

"I- I- I can fix it. I just need to heal her." Maya said as she looked to her crying. The woman raised Maya. She couldn't bear to see her like this.

"Maya there's nothing you can do. She's gone." David said looking to her sadly.

"There has to be something!" Maya said as she put her hands over her face and cried. She thought everything was okay now, but there was no breaks. There was always someone else against them and someone trying to wreck havoc. She stood up and looked away still crying.

"Why is she so upset?" Tink asked behind her.

"Blue raised her until we got reunited." Mary Margaret said. "I can't believe this happened." Mary Margaret walked over and looked at Maya then hugged her.

Maya heard Regina but she couldn't hear the words. It all sounded blurry. Like distant mumbles. Mary Margaret looked at her and Maya couldn't comprehend what she was hearing.

"Maya." Mary Margaret said as she cupped her cheek.

"What?" Maya said quietly.

"We are going to go get Pandora's box from Mr. Gold. We are going to avenge Mother Superior." Mary Margaret said as she wiped Maya's tears.

"Okay." She nodded as she looked over to Emma as they walked to the car.

"You okay?" Emma asked as she wiped a tear from her eye. It was Maya's tears, just like Maya had Emma's tear when she thought Neal was dead.

"I will be as soon as we stop Pan." Maya said determined.

"Good. Things got fuzzy." Emma said looking to her. Maya had realized Emma had got the same feeling.

"I guess now you know what happens when I get really sad." Maya said trying not to cry again.

"It'll be okay Mys." Emma said as they left to go to the shop. Maya stayed in the car while they got the box and they all headed to the town line. They got out and put Pandora's box across it while Emma stood there waiting for Pan to come out with her gun up.

Pan looked around confused and then to Emma. After some interrogation they found out that it wasn't Pan at all, it was Henry. Supposedly Pan switched bodies with him right before he got sucked into the box.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked as he hugged Maya.

"Mother Superior died." Maya smiled as Henry hugged her a bit tighter.

"I'm sorry Mys. I know how much she meant to you." He said as he let go.

"I'm not gonna lie, this is weird." Maya smiled looking at him.

"Imagine how I feel." He said as Maya chuckled.

"Touché." She nodded as they got into the car and headed to Regina's vault. There was a spell on the vault and Mr. Gold said it would take some time to open but eventually he got it. They all ran downstairs to find Regina passed out and Pan missing.

"What happened?" Regina asked as she woke up holding her head.

"Pan switched bodies with Henry. That's how the shadow got out." Emma explained.

"And I fell for it. I wanted so badly to believe he still needed me as a mother that I missed all the signs." Regina said as she looked to her saddened.

"I still do." Henry said as he walked to Regina and hugged her.

"So what exactly did Pan come down here to get?" David asked as Rumple lifted his hand and paused. "What?" He asked.

"Please don't tel me you kept it down here." He said looking to Regina.

"Where else would I keep it?" Regina asked looking to him.

"Keep what?" Maya asked looking to Rumple.

"The curse." He answered looking to Regina.

"The curse? I thought I already broke it?" Emma asked confused.

"That doesn't mean a new one can't be cast and without your parents true love woven in, no one will be able to break it." He answered as Maya looked to Emma.

"We are already in this land so what would casting the curse do now?" David asked confused.

"Pan can make it to do any of his darkest desires." Rumple answered seeming to a bit worried about the situation.

"So what are we going to do? How will we stop him?" Maya asked looking back to him.

"I have a feeling we are about to find out how." Emma said as she looked to her.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن