"Hello," I say.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call I was trying to untangle all the fishing rods because Grayson's dumbass put all the rods so close together in the car and got all the lines tangled," Ava said.

"THIS USUALLY NEVER HAPPENS DON'T BLAME ME!" I hear Grayson yell in the back.

"Ahah, it's fine," I say laughing.

"So are you excited for your date?" Ava asks me.

"Yes, I am," I say smiling. " I just wish it wasn't raining."

"Oh is it raining there?" Ava asks.

"Yup, has been all day."

"HI, ELENA!" I hear Grayson yell.

"Tell him I say hi," I say after letting out a chuckle.

"She said hi," I hear Ava say.


"I LOVE YOU TOO GRAY AND THANKS!" I yell back laughing.

I didn't realize how close Grayson and I had gotten. I get along with him the best out of everyone else. He's like a brother to me now. I'm actually pretty close with everyone... just not Ethan.

"OW FUCK!" I hear Grayson cry.

"Shit Elena, I gotta go Grayson keeps poking his finger with the fishing hook," Ava says.

"Okay, cya," I say before shutting up my phone.

A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring. I get up from the couch and slip my phone into my pocket. I walk towards the front door and open it to see Jake holding flowers.

"Hi," I say with a smile. "Hey, these are for you," he says and hands me a bouquet of lilies. "Woah, thank you so much," I say before sniffing the flowers. "Come in!" I say moving over so he can walk in. "Woah, I forgot how big this place was," he says as he walks in and shuts the door. "Have you been here before?" I ask. "Yeah last year I hung out with the gang a couple times here," he says as he follows me into the kitchen.

"Do you like living here?" He asks. "Yeah, I really do. It's really fun, I just wish Ethan and I would get along a bit better," I say as I fill up a vase with water. "Oh do you two not like each other?" He asks. "I don't know... We're like really on and off with each other," I say putting the flowers into the vase. "What do you mean?" "Well, he hated me for like the first 2 weeks of me living here and then we were okay for a bit but then he hated me again for a week and now we get along for like a day or two and then he'll be rude or just ignore me," I say. "Yeah, I noticed there was something up with you guys at dinner last week. I just thought you two like had a thing or something and were mad at each other for bringing dates to the dinner," he says as we head out and I lock the door. "Oh, no no no, we never had a thing and never will," I say and walk towards his car. "Well good, I was actually kinda worried," he says making me smile. "Well you have nothing to be worried about now," I say and we get into the car.


We pulled into the parking lot of a cute small restaurant and I was so happy that ride was over because it was kinda awkward since it was silent for most of the time. We didn't really talk about much besides for the rain outside.

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