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While we were hauling the boat in I heard Lucy joyful voice, call out to something in the distance, "Hello there!" I peered over my shoulder to see her walking towards a large, black bear. Dropping the rope, I slowly walked to be beside Trumpkin. "She's gonna get herself killed," He muttered to me. This bear was wild. The bear noticed Lucy's call and pushed itself up on it's two hind legs, grunting loudly. "It's alright, we're friends," she said happily. The bear returned on all fours, growling and groaning. "Be still your majesty!" Trumpkin yelled. Lucy, now realising her wrong move, froze.

The bear started to gallop forwards her. Susan raised her bow. Lucy screamed. "Shoot Susan! Shoot!" Edmund yelled. The bear was now almost on Lucy now. Just as it was about to go for the kill, an arrow hit the bear. It fell backwards and I ran to Lucy, not caring that it was Trumpkin who had shot the arrow, not Susan.


We all have been travelling through the forest for a couple of hours now, and my feet were tired and sore.
All six of us were traveling through parts that I did not recognise.

"I don't remember this way," Susan commented. I nodded, it wasn't familiar. But maybe Narnia changed more than we thought.

"That's the problem with girls-" Peter started. "Can't carry a map in your heads," I snickered at his little joke. "That's because our heads have something in them," Lucy rejoined with a giggle. I chuckled, smiling at Lucy.

I wish he'd just listened to the D.L.F in the first place," Susan sighed. "D.L.F?" Edmund repeated, unclear of the term we had created for Trumpkin. Lucy and I shared the same grin. I turned around to face Edmund and Trumpkin."Dear Little Friend," Lucy giggled, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh that's not patronizing at all, is it?" I chuckled as I made my way over to Edmund, lacing my hand in his. "Can you carry me?" I said, giving my best puppy dog eyes. "Only if you agree to have a make out session in front of Peter." Edmund replied. I shuddered, Peter loved to tease us. He laughed. "No thanks." I said. He smiled.

Edmund and I caught up with Peter, who was standing on top of a large rock. Peter looked around, a confused look on his face.

"I'm not lost," Peter muttered loudly to himself. "No, you're just going the wrong way," Peter spun on his heel arrogantly, rolling his eyes in frustration. "You last saw Caspian at the shuddering woods, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river rush," Peter snapped back. This was not the kind courageous King Peter I knew. "But unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these paths," Trumpkin replied, you could easily tell by his expression that he was starting to lose his patience. "That explains it then," Peter gritted his teeth. "You're mistaken," Peter needs to get into his head, that we have been gone for 1,300 years.
Things have changed, and it seems Peter has too.


The rushing sound of water filled my ears. I watched as Susan and Peter both peered over the edge of the cliff, which lead down to a stream of strong currents. "See?" Susan began. "Over time, water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper," Susan continued her observation but was harshly interrupted by a very rude Peter. "Oh, shut up,"

"Is there a way down?" Edmund questioned Trumpkin. "Yeah, falling," He replied sarcastically. "Well we weren't lost," Peter obstinated. I mentally groaned, surely pride wasn't the most important thing at the moment.

"There's a fort near Beruna." Trumpkin mentioned. "How do you feel about swimming?" I sighed. "Rather that than walking," Susan huffed, walking away. I made to follow. "Aslan?"

See The Castle Loom [2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon