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Gold's POV

I watched as the girl made her way to the counter I was standing behind. She had long brown hair with red highlights, a white tank top, and red shorts.

"Granny sent me to tell you, we don't have the rent money. We want to make a deal. Can you meet up tonight at seven to talk about it."

"Yes," I smirked at Ruby, "but I'm not sure what you think you are going to get out of this little transaction. You better have something really good up your sleeve, because a deal can only be struck when two people both have something the other wants."

"I'll see you there." She turned around and left my shop.


I had sat down at one of the tables and soon Ruby came and joined me. She was crying. Oh, how I hate crying.

"Gr-Granny. She... had a heart attach this today wile I was at your shop." Tears ran down her face, leaving black streaks from her makeup. "They don't know if she is going to make it."

I pitied the young girl. I never pitied anyone, but I knew the struggles of being on your own at a young age. "Don't worry about the rent this month."


I reached across the table wiping a tear from her face. "Yes, of course dearie."

"What do you want?"


"Let me give you something."

Ruby's POV

What could I give him. He had everything. Ah ha! The one thing every guy in the town wants.

Gold's POV

"How about a date."

I looked at her confused for a moment. "With who?"

She went on, "With me."

There was no way she was being serious. A young woman like her going on a date with an old cripple. "Mrs. Lucas, this is a serious business transaction. Please save you jokes for another man." I stood up and headed to the door.

She ran up and grabbed my shoulder, turning me back around, "No! I am serious."

That's how it got started. We went on that one date, and I fell for her. She must have fallen for me too, because she agreed to a second date, and a third, and a forth, and a fifth. Before I knew it we had been dating for over a year. I asked her to marry me.

We had a small February wedding. Only a few of her friends. Neither of us really had any family, at least not after Widow died.

After our low key wedding we moved out of town. There where too many bad memories there.

We had married for about three months. She came flying in the kitchen, "Bobby! Guess what?"

I huffed at her calling me that. "What Jewel?" She showed me a little white stick. "I'm sorry. It seems I have failed to see the significance.

"We are pregnant, you idiot!" She laughed.

I got over to her as fast as my hurt bum leg could carry me, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. "We are going to have a child." I whispered."

The next nine months went by fast. We bought cloths for a baby girl. Also a crib and many other things. We made a spare bedroom into a nursery. We where so excited.

Finely the day came. She started going into labor. I helped her into the car and rushed her to the hospital. They rushed her off to the room and. I stayed in the waiting room like we had decided.

The doctor came out right after midnight. "You can see her now, but first I need to let you know."

My heart sunk.

"When the baby was delivered the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. She didn't make it."

I pushed mast him and sped down to the room were my wife waited. She was still sweaty and her face was stained with tears. I got in the bed next to her, and wrapped my arms around her.

We just sat in silence. There is really nothing you can say to a person when they have just lost a child. Especially if it is yours as well. Neither of us really wanted to talk anyway.

When I finely spoke up it was to ask her something. A simple question, "What is her name?"

"She was born at midnight, Luna."

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