Chapter 36: Caught

Start from the beginning

The door to the basement was thrown open and light shown down the stairs. I saw a few feet rush down the stairs.

"Shit!" Wit stood in front of me, facing the stairs, holding his knife out in front of him. Thank goodness he didn't have his gun.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw my thought was true. It was Spot. His dirty blonde hair was a mess, and his face was red with anger, I saw it in his eyes. He turned and saw me, and stopped dead. I must have looked like a wreck. We looked at each other for a few seconds, until he realized Wit was here as well. 

Spot's face became raged. He saw Wit standing there with the knife, and started to walk slowly towards him.

"Come on Wit, put the damn knife down." Spot warned. 

"You want the girl?" Wit pointed at me and started back up slowly, still holding the knife towards Spot. I then saw other boys behind him, but all of this was too much for me that my eyes would not focus. 

Wit then raced behind me and held the knife up to my throat. He chuckled as Spot and the other boys stopped moving.

"Wit! Leave her out of dis, it's between yous and me!" Spot held his hands out in front of him, motioning for him to stop. 

I felt the cold blade get deeper on my skin, and my breathing became shorter and shorter. I saw Spot look up and down at my body. I felt his heart sink once he saw me like this. 

"Wit, come on man, please don't do this." Spot's voice calmed down. He knew that right now yelling at him was not going to help. 

"Hurting her, means hurting you right?" Wit laughed nervously. 

Spot kept his hands and voice steady. "No, no, Wit, you don't want to do this." 

"Why not? I did it to other people, why not her?" 

I felt Wit press the knife harder onto my throat. He was about to slice my skin open, but more footsteps coming down the stairs caught him off guard. His head looked up to see who it was, and Spot saw this moment. He lunged at Wit, tackling him to the ground. I finally was able to breath normally. I heard both of them yell, but I could not see anything since they were behind me. Some other boys rushed over to help their leader. My eyes darted around trying to see what was going on.

I then turned and saw Spot coming over to me. He raced over and bent down next to me. His hands came up to my face and ran threw my hair.

"Shit," His voice became shaky." Oh my god Finley, I's so sorry." 

His eyes searched me up and down. I wanted to reach out to him and tell him all was fine now, but my arms and legs were still tied and my mouth was covered. Spot took a moment to take in everything that happened to me, when he realized I was still tied up. 

"Oh geez, let's get des off ya." He kept his eyes on mine. I looked back into them, and all the pain went away. His eyes kept me entranced. "Duke! Gimme the knife!"

Duke came over to me and handed Spot the knife. Spot began to cut away at the rope that burned my skin. I looked up at Duke who looked worried.

"Jesus christ Finn." He reached over and untied the cloth covering my mouth. "Tis should not have happened to ya." He whispered. 

"It's okay." I croaked back.

Spot finished cutting the ropes and then brought his gaze back to me. "Oh my god." He looked stressed and tired, and I saw blood dripping from his arm. Wit must have gotten him with the knife.

"Spot, yous arm." I told him.

Spot hands caressed my face. "Don't yous worry 'bout my arm, yous the one we need to focus on." 

I then looked up and saw Red, McGee, Race, and Mush holding Wit's arms behind his back. It was nice to see them, all of them. My eyes connected with Race's and he looked away and shook his head. 

"Here, use these." Duke handed the rope that held me to the chair to the boys to tie up Wit.

"Tie 'em up nice and tight." Spot told them, still not taking his eyes off of me. 

Wit then began to speak. "Spot Conlon, your a dead man, you and your little girlfriend."

McGee then quickly punched him in the jaw. "Shut up you bastard!" 

Wit smiled as the boys tied him up. Then then shoved him forward and walked him up the stairs. 

"Let me get Jack." Duke followed them up the stairs. Was Jack here? I desperately wanted to see my brother. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to him. 

"Oh Finn, oh my god." Spot hung his head in my lap. 

"Hey, hey," I took my weak arms, placed it under his chin and lifted it for him to see me. "I's fine, I's here." I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh shit." I looked up and saw Jack run towards me. He bent down next to Spot. "Finley, jesus."

"Hey Jack." I said weakly. I gave him a small smile.

He rubbed his face and wiped the tears off his face. "Let's get yous home."

I nodded and started to stand up, then all the pain from my leg came back. I yelled in pain and sat back down quickly. I clutched my injured leg and bit my lip to refrain from crying. I then looked at my hands and they were covered with blood. My leg was still bleeding.

"Whats wrong?" Spot asked nervously. 

I winced. "Wit, stabbed me in the leg." I pointed at my wounds.

Spot closed him eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. "I's goin' to kill that son of a bitch." He whispered. 

"Okay, okay, we'll help ya." Jack said. Spot nodded in agreement. 

They each grabbed one my my arms and helped me as I crutched along the floor. We came to the stairs and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it up them. Spot must have seen the look on my face, and he proceeded to place his hands behind me, and pick me up bridal style. 

"Spot, I's can make it." I complained, but I knew I couldn't.

"No, yous can't." He then continued to walk forward, carrying me up the flight of stairs.

"Finn, he's right." Jack told me, following us up.

We got to the top and the rest of the boys were waiting for us. Spot placed me down and I grabbed onto him for stabilization. I saw Wit and Maisy both tied up and sitting on the ground. I looked over at Maisy and she winked at me.

"Come on Finn." Spot grumbled as he starred down the two. 

"Mush, go to de police station, bring 'em here. Tell them you found the murderers." Jack said. 

Mush nodded and took off. Jack, Spot, and I continued to walk towards the front door.

"Why, why is everything so blurry?" I whispered. My eyes were not focusing and I began stumbling.

"Finley, what's wrong?" Jack asked. 

I then felt as if I couldn't hold myself up any more and collapsed on the floor. 

"Finn!" Spot yelled.

I just felt so weak. I couldn't keep myself up. I felt lifeless as Jack and Spot tried their best to keep me up. My eyes began to flutter shut.

"Oh no Finn! Come on, wake up!" I heard Jack say. 

Everything was in a haze. 

"She lost lots of blood." Spot's shaky voice came back, and then, my eyes closed shut.


Ahh! So much happened in this chapter!!

Sorry it's a bit longer than what I normally write, but I couldn't stop!!

Please let me know what you think in the comments! I love to hear feedback!:)

Brooklyn's Queen: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now