Chapter 4

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"Excuse me, ma'am?" I said politely to a librarian. The old woman had snow white hair, really bad crow's feet around her eyes, and was extremely overweight. I cringed a little.

"Yes, darlin'?" She responded, with a hint of a southern accent. I cringed again.

"Can I please look through the town's records?" I flashed a smile.

"Why, sure!" She exclaimed. She seemed happy for no reason at all.

"Thanks." I said quickly.

"Right this way." she said motioning with her hand. I followed obediently.

She came out from behind her desk, and started walking on her chubby legs to the other side of the library. Suprisingly, she was walking really fast, and I had to jog to keep up.

As I trailed behind, she lead me to a door that was tucked into the farthest wall in the library. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a ring of keys. She turned around, smiled at me, and started humming a tune that wasn't any song I'd ever heard. My shoulders sagged. She was taking forever to find the right key.

"Hmm, not this one!" She said over-happily. "Nope. Not this one either!" She giggled to herself.

Finally, she pulled out a silver key and stuck it into the door. "Aha!" She said excitedly and clapped her hands. I reminded myself to never let my future kids turn out like this old woman had.

She turned the key in the lock, and the door popped open. I grinned ear to ear. Now to find out about James.

"Let me know if you need anythin'!" She said cheerfully. I muttered my thanks. Get lost, I thoguht to myself. I turned around.

In front of me stood a long room, that was maybe fifteen feet long, and five feet wide. Why did it have to be so narrow? I backed myself up against the wall, and began searching.

I came across a census book from 1890. On the inside was a list of the names of people from my town. I looked under the letter M.

James Monroe was there alright. I trailed over next to his name with my finger, and gasped loudly.

Someone had written next to his name in sloppy handwriting one word.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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