Chapter 3

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"Wait! Don't go!" I pleaded to the air and the trees. Of course, James was gone.

I sighed. He was the only spirit that had actually just vanished in front of me. I wondered, did he need help? I'd never interacted a ghost that just disappeared like that. I just stood there, in the woods, now alone, having no idea what to do. And then it hit me.

I could go look him up at the library. He had told me his name, James Monroe. Monroe. Maybe he was in the records for my rainy little town.

I walked back inside the house slowly, trying to conceal my excitement. Stop, I told myself. You're getting excited over something silly. I slipped my boots off, and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I glanced around my ivy wallpaper room, searching for my laptop. I spotted it, on my bed, next to my cat. I skipped over, and opened it up.

My cat meowed in protest when I moved her to a different spot. "Sorry for waking you, Castor." I said sarcastically. "It's not like you don't get enough sleep." I added. All he did was stare at me angrily. My only friend was Castor, and it was pretty sad. I would probably die one of those crazy old cat-obsessed ladies. Who cared, anyway?

I searched for the library, and tried to figure out where it was. 2953 Applewood Drive. The street popped up on the website. Success!

I hopped down the stairs, taking two, or three at a time. I snatched my car keys on the hook next to the front door, and slammed the door on my way out.

I slid into the seat of my yellow doodle bug, and was off to the library to learn about James Monroe.

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