Chapter Two

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Harry stayed in his room for the rest of the day. The doctors came in and out of the room bringing him some medication and some food, but he didn't even acknowledge them. He just keep staring straight ahead of him, staring at nothing.

He was thinking of ways to annoy the doctors here, they think he's mad so why doesn't he have a little fun?

He could just keep ignoring them, that's pretty annoying right? Or he could start becoming aggressive. Being aggressive probably wouldn't end very well though.

He went to sleep that day still thinking of ways to anger everyone in the building. Everyone makes him feel angry so it's time for him to give a little something back.


Day two was a little different. He was taken to the dining hall for breakfast instead of having food taken to his room. They gave him two slices of toast and a cup of orange juice.

He found himself a seat at the back of hall and sat down with his tray. He just sat there taking little bites of his toast and taking little sips of his drink.

When he got a little comfortable in his seat, positive that no one was going to attack him (this was a scary place and he had to be ready to defend himself) he sat and started to listen to peoples conversations around him.

That's when he heard someone playing the piano a few meters away. He turned around and saw the back of a boys head. The boy looked quite small, definitely smaller than Harry. His outfit was the exact same as Harry's but it was falling off his right shoulder a little. Harry couldn't see his face but he'll bet anything that this boy would take his breathe away. His hands were tiny but they were so talented, the way that they were moving across all the different keys hypnotised Harry. The sound that he created had Harry sighing deeply, it was beautiful.

Harry lost track of time and he didn't realise that it was time to go back to his room. His plate was still mostly full but he wasn't even hungry for food anymore, he was hungry for that boy.

He was lead out of the dining room and into his room. All Harry could do was sit down in his bed and hum hum hum the tune that the boy was playing.

That's all he could concentrate on.

That tune kept him sane for the rest of the week. He had the exact same schedule for the whole week and every time things got a little too much, he would close his eyes and imagine that little boy playing the piano. He would hum that little tune to himself and it calmed him down every time.

He saw the boy again a week later.

Harry was sat in the TV room watching a film he didn't even know the name of when he heard the tune again. This time it wasn't his humming, it was really the boy. So, being the little rebel that Harry is, he creeped out of the room and followed the sound.

And there he was. The boy was sitting there again playing his piano. Harry didn't know what to do next, he didn't think this far ahead. He just leaned against the door frame and stared at the back of the boys head. His hair was quite pretty; brown with little bits of blonde. It was quite long too, probably longer than Harry's if you think about it.

Without thinking, Harry started humming along to the piano. That was a mistake.

The music stopped and the boy froze. Slowly, the boy turned around and Harry couldn't help the way his breathe caught in his throat. The boy was so pretty, all sharp bones and pale skin. Harry's eyes couldn't look away from the boys eyes. They weren't brown or green or blue, they were grey. Harry never liked the colour grey because even though Harry was angry and upset a lot, grey was a colour he didn't like. Right now though, Harry thought that grey was a pretty colour. It suited the boy so much.

Neither of them spoke for a while because Harry doesn't speak to anyone and the boy was apparently too busy staring at Harry to form coherent words. Harry tried offering a little smile but the boy didn't smile back, just kept staring at Harry.

Next thing Harry knows, there are guards (or nurses maybe? He doesn't even know) holding his arms and leading Harry back to his room.

He doesn't even put up much of a fight anymore, fighting does more harm that good. And Harry's a good boy, he'll never do anything naughty.

Harry went or sleep that night humming the tune and thinking of grey grey eyes. Grey eyes that he thinks could be prettier than even the moon.


YAY I UPDATED! The last time I posted a chapter was probably during World War 2. Thank you to the people that left votes and comments on the last chapter, if it wasn't for them I honestly would've just abandoned this. If you liked this chapter or the story so far please vote and comment. If you have any suggestions or anything you want to see just comment and I'll try to write it. Honestly, without the votes and comments on the last chapter I probably wouldn't even have carried on. Thank you for reading this long note thing, I know I ramble quite a lot. Okay bye! -M

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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