Chapter One

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Harry knew what was happening.

He might be mental but as soon as he saw the two men in suits and a women in a nurse' uniform he understood what was happening. He didn't bother listening to his mum apologizing to him or his dad talking to the one of the two men, because why would he if they just gave up on him like that?

The men handcuffed him and led him into a black Audi with tinted windows. They tried getting him to talk by asking him for his name, age or how he was feeling but he simply wouldn't respond to them. He hasn't talked to a living soul for 6 years so he doesn't understand why they're trying to get him to talk.

Around half an hour later he arrived at a building that resembled a prison. It had the same features; guards at the door, bars on the windows and a large wired fence surrounding the building. He was even handcuffed for fucks sake. The men led Harry to the reception where another woman tried talking to him, he didn't bother listening to what she said because he never bothers to listen anymore.

He was led him into a lift that was taking him to his room. The woman in the nurse' uniform pressed number five which was the top floor for the patients, floor six was a whole floor without rooms, and its a place where they are able to relax and have a little time to themselves.

The higher your floor is, the more insane the patient is.

Harry really didnt understand that because he really isn't mad. Okay, he doesn't talk and he has a really harsh gaze but he just doesn't like communicating, he doesn't understand why he has to communicate. He hasn't talked to anyone for years and he's still managed to live his life so why did he get put here?

The nurse leads him to his room and instructs him to wear a white jump suit that was sat on the foot of the bed. When he doesn't react she let's out a heavy sigh "Harry, I understand why you don't want to wear this but its part of the rules here. You might as well do it yourself before I get tempted to call the guards"

He was close to obeying and telling her to get out or turn around so he could get dressed but since when does Harry talk to people and since when does he obey them?

She waits expectantly and when Harry shows no signs of moving she shakes her head and mutters "Your choice, kid." All she gets in response is one of Harrys dark stares.

She comes back into the room with three guards behind her. One of the men that brang him here chuckles to himself "Causing trouble already."

The other two men walk forward and hold Harry back by his arms and waist. The nurse steps closer and starts stripping him off and putting the jump suit on him. He tries to struggle and put up more of a fight but he's held to tightly so he just gives up.

"There you go, good lad" the man that brang him mutters once Harry stops struggling. That makes Harry mad though, they're making him feel like an animal by praising him like this. If they want mad Harry, bring it on.

Harry'll show them just how mad he is.

[A/N: Sorry the chapter is so short but i just wanted to post something y'know. Please comment if i should continue with this or not, or leave votes. Bye xx]

Sane (Larry Stylinson) (Mental AU)Where stories live. Discover now