Prologue: Bittersweet Promises

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Prologue: Bittersweet Promises

Song(s) that inspired this. Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol (it fits so good and I didn't even know it until I was proof reading!) As you guys and gals can see I changed the prologue. Sorry! It just didn't make me happy! And this goes muuuuch better with my lovely story plot. So for those of you re-reading or just beginning to read this, enjoy!

Louis POV

It's all over.

I knew it when I walked into that dark room management put me in to wait. Simon wasn't even there. He was still in America last we heard from him, although they're saying he's on his way back on the quickest flight possible. It didn't matter though. There was nothing he could do. And, oddly enough, I seemed okay with it.

When I say "seemed" I mean "seemed". I wasn't sure of anything anymore. Not even my own feelings; my heart.

All I could do was sit down in one of the hard, colorless chairs and stare at the, blank ceiling. I hated this room. It was grey and pale and cold; lifeless. Like these bare walls had never seen any smiles or joy or heard a person's laughter. It was sad really.

I tried to clear my mind, tried so hard to block out everything, everyone, all the things that had happened these past few months, but that face... That face just kept appearing.

Those piercing green eyes, so full of life, and light, and humor, and mischief, that gazed at me weather we were alone or in front of millions with such trust and affection that told me they believed I could do anything and still be perfect, even though I was far from it. Those dark, soft, brown curls I loved to tangle my fingers in and that smile...that smile I loved to get lost in.

I groaned and ran my hands furiously through my hair and down my face. I must have looked awful. I hadn't slept in days, dark bags hung under my eyes and my skin felt tight and stretched because I hadn't been able to eat without throwing it up. I'd lost close to twenty pounds. My usually tan skin had lost it's color from days of seclusion; I was pale, almost as grey as this room. my clothes hung awkwardly on my body and I'm sure they made me look even worse. My hair didn't have its usual luster. It just fell dry and limp , half of it tucked in a pale blue beanie. It was Harry's beanie. I was really pathetic.

Stop it, my mind growled, as I felt tears begin to build up. You did this to yourself. It's YOUR fault you're losing your best friend, your band, your job, the boys, your home, your heart...

My mind certainly wasn't helping things.

I slumped in my chair and closed my eyes, trying to will hurt and pain away, swallowing back my tears.

The only thing I could think about was HIM.

How I'd never get to hold him again, how I'd never be able to grasp his hand, how he'd never be there for me to burry my face into when I got scared, how I'd never be able to play with those soft curls, how he wouldn't be there tomorrrow to wake up next to, how I'd never be able to hear his contagious laugh again, how I'd never get to hear him sing to me again, how he'd never plant those soft lips on me when I was being my stupid, clumsy, awkward self, how I'd never get to tell him how much I loved him as more than "just a friend".

I needed him.

I needed...

"Harry," I whispered wretchedly, my heart hammering through my aching chest, tears spilling, falling from my unopened eyes as I wrapped my arms around myself desperately and shook. Why did I feel so cold all of a sudden?

It all seemed so useless, so strange and almost unreal. My bones seemed to ache for him, my whole being wishing he was there to just hold me and warm my frozen body up, to give me purpose again.

But he never would.

And it was all my fault.

I heard the familiar voice of the boys now, arguing with someone outside the paper thin wall of the tiny, dimly lit room. Liam's voice barking loudest above the din, daddy direction taking over. But no matter what they said or did it didn't matter anymore. I opened my eyes and looked down at the scars peeking out from the bottom of my jacket's sleeve. Just a reminder to myself and everyone around me that I would always be imperfect, damaged goods that never deserve to be with him.

A bracelet shined on my wrist and my heart jumped to my throat at the memory.

Harry's nimble fingers clasping the silver and leather band there, smiling so splendidly, happy tears forming in the corners of his eyes at my reaction as he read the words aloud.

"Always and forever, Boo bear."

I choked back another sob and closed my bloodshot eyes again, trying my best to wipe the tears away.

Never again, my mind whispered sadly.

And it was all my fault...

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