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and i was buzzed way outta of my
I know i'm Irish, but i wasn't in the
mood to drink, yet her i am drinking  with most of the roster.
First it started off as a never have i ever, then truth or dare. And then we all said screw it and just wanted to finish the rest of the beer.

Practically everyone was gone besides
me, Seth, Bayley, Sami and of course her. SASHA. I caught her staring me a few times during the party. How i knew she was staring, i was staring right back at her. We both would laugh and go back to what we were doing previously.

It was later in the night, maybe around three a.m and thats when everyone left. But i was still somehow here with the devil himself Seth. And the girl i like.

Sami and Bayley left at the same time. Those two know they can talk forever. Sami went on to discuss how we could have one more match on the main roster.

Bayley was talking about how exciting it would be to have a first ever women's royal rumble, which i also thought would be fun to see. Then their was Seth who looked like he wasn't having fun. He would groan and sigh with his big squidward nose self.

Still don't get how Sasha went for him. She clearly deserved so much better then him. I just don't understand what he could've possibly done for her to hate him. Other than fact of them 'being too young.' Seth is such a idiot. As Chris would say a stupid idiot.

Things died down and everyone stayed silent. So much awkard tension in the air i wanted to sneeze at the fact.

Sasha picked with her fingernails as Seth was on his phone. Probably looking at girls to flirt with.
I saw no point of me staying longer so i decided that this was it, i have to leave.

"I think i'm just going to excuse myself." I say formally. I get up almost falling from the booze, and I head to the door. I was walking slowly so Sasha would join. When my hand grasps onto the doornob, i knew she wouldn't follow.
I sigh before closing the door on the way out.

That was some night.

I press the button on the elevator as the doors open. I go inside and inch away from pressing the level i wanted.

"FINN WAIT." i look up to see Sasha running in her sailor moon dress and i chuckle. I felt relieved at two things, one: she left Seth, two: she decided to join me. When she got closer and went inside the elevator accompanied me. I pressed the button before leaning aganist the wall.

Sasha yawns which is contagious and i yawn in response. She doesn't help but laugh making my lips curve into a small smile.
The doors open and we both stepped out. Unsure of what to do i just looked at the floor.

"Uh is it okay if i sleep in your room? I know we have only five hours of sleep-" i stopped her before she can say anything else.

"Of course you can." I tell her. She nods and i take out my card to open up the door. It clicks open and i turn the doornob.
The room felt deserted and isolated, with no smell to it. I take off my shoes sitting on the bed and Sasha stands still infront of the door.
I can see half her face, thanks to the small daylight that beamed through the black curtains of the hotel room.

She's almost as awkward as me.
How cute.

I grinned at her before talking. "You know you can lay down, if you're tired just go to sleep." She hums before joining me in the king sized bed. I see her take her white sandals off. She settles in the bed and rolls the cover on top of her body.

"I hope it's okay, but i sleep with my shirt off.
I get-kinda hot."

Could i not have sounded more of an idiot. Stop ruining this for you Finn.

Sasha laughs and nods. Even her laugh is the most soft and pleasant thing i've heard.

"Finn i don't mind.
This is your room after all." She states. Not saying anything i take my shirt off and lay my back against the soft mattress. I turn to face her and she already is looking at me. I almost turn away from blushing at the sight of her, even though the room was mostly tinted. I can still sense her beauty in sight.

Ugh that sounded so cheesy. Stop reading romance novels Finn.

"Plus." Sasha added and i hum questioning her.

"You can do whatever you want." She informs and the words are similar to what she has said previously before.

Take what you want.

"Like what?" I ask her, slowly scooting towards her as she does the same.

"I don't know you tell me." She counters and i am sure that i've invaded her space now. We were very much close and i could feel and hear her heavy breathing from the tension.

I felt the need to kiss her
but was it too early?

What if i never have
this chance again?

"Finn?" Sasha asks sounding worried.  i  quickly hum in response looking at her again intensively.

"Are you-" i stopped her right there before i placed my lips on hers and she isn't fazed by it. She takes no time before her lips start to move with mine. What a risky, stupid thing to do. If she hadn't respond, i would've looked like an idiot.

But i'm glad she is kissing me back.
I look to find her arm as i gently pull her closer to me,
still our lips never left eachother. Sasha decides to now lay her body against mine but leveling herself so that she isn't putting any preassure on me.
She opens her mouth and i slide my tongue into her mouth slightly and she moans tugging my hair answering back.

This all felt like such a dream
and i was living in the moment.
However we both stopped, and fell asleep.

I woke up from the sound of someone knocking outside the door. I look to see if Sasha is still in the bed and she is. I smiled and turn my attention to the door.
The knocking stopped for a bit, then proceeded five seconds later.
I groaned before rising out of the bed. I walked my way towards the door about to open it.

"Finn?" I hear the soft morning voice of Sasha call and i turn around to face her. She had already stood up and of course in her sailor moon dress.

"It's fine i'm just going to see who it is." I tell her and she nods.
I checked the peep hole and spot Seth Rollins outside the door.
I groaned again, this time also rolling my eyes before cracking the door open.

I didn't want him to see Sasha and I. Although it would be nice to rub it in his face.
But i'm not a jerk unlike him.

"What the hell do you want?"
I snarled at him before he arrogantly chuckles.

"Just wanted to let you know to hurry the hell up, we're leaving in an hour for the next live event." He informs and i roll my eyes already knowing that.

"Yeah i get it now see ya." I say frantically almost having the chance to close the door in his face, but he puts his foot in between the doorway stopping it.

"Also have you seen Sasha?"
He asks me and i shake my head and hear Sasha fiddle to the bed again. Seth scrunches his eyebrows hearing the noise.

"What was that?
Is someone in here?"
Seth wonders and i
grow annoyed.

"Nobody Doctor. Who,
now i'll see ya later."
I tell him before shutting the door in his face also locking it.

"We'll talk about this later!"
Seth yells from the outside.

"No we won't!" I yell back.
Sasha starts to laugh from the ecounter of Seth and i.

"Well that was close."
She sighs and i nod.




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