"Very well, we'll take our leave. Chihiro, carry her."

Chihiro picked me up and left. I saw that the kid was looking at me through the bars. Then I realized I never got his name. But does he remember his name? Well, I hope we can go back again.

And we did. Father continued his daily work. And I sneaked out of his sight, even Chihiro. So what if I get caught? I just want to see that kid again. I look for the cell and find it. The kid was in the same position like how I found him yesterday. Only difference, was that he had the number 15 on his right cheek.

"Hi again," I spoke up.

He looked up and said, "You're here? I thought you would never come again."

"My father is doing business here and it's only for a couple of days."

"And why would he bring you here?"

I look down and answered, "I'm supposed to be the heir to father's business, and he wants me to grow up and be like him. And why should I listen? I'm not even a part of the family. He just took me in for more popularity. In a way, that place is my own prison."

"I see...how long will you be here?"

"For about a week I guess."

We kept talking to each other. Using what I've experienced from my first day here, it will only be three hours until he's done with his business. From the kid's cell to the warden's office, where he is, it's a five minute walk so I leave early. Chihiro caught me once, but he let it slide because he' always nice. I asked him how long he's been in prison, and he asked what it was like at the mansion.

On the last day, I realized something. I told him, "You know, I never really gotten your name."

"I don't really have a name," he said, "I've been only called by my inmate number. What about you? What's your name?"

"Um, it's-"

"Brat!" an angry voice called out.

I turn and see an angry father coming down my way. I must have spent too much time. Running was my only option, but compare me to a very tall man. Catching me was very easy. Father grabbed me by the neck, making me choke to death.

"You try to sneak away like that?!" he shouted, "You're making my work more stressful!"

"Hey stop it! You're going to kill her!" the kid said.

"Shut up! The others were right! You're really are a worthless brat who can only do what they want! So you've been hanging out with this kid huh? If you like him so much, why don't you join him?!"

He unlocked the cell door with a set of keys, probably given by the warden. He vigorously threw me in the cell and I hit my head badly. After a few curses, he slammed the door and locked me in.

"Tell the warden he has a new prisoner here. I'll be leaving to do some paperwork."

"Yes sir," Chihiro obeyed. Before he left, he turned to me and whispered, "I'm sorry."

After a short time, I passed out. I woke up again to see a stone ceiling, and the kid with his heterochromatic eyes.

"Oh man, I thought you were gone,after seeing that bastard choke you and slam you to the ground," he said in relief.

"So it wasn't a dream," I said to myself, "Guess I'm stuck here for a while."

"Hey, um, I'm sorry?"

"What for?"

"It was me that caught your eye. If you didn't see me, you wouldn't be here. I'm such a nuisance."

I had no idea what he meant. But for sure, he's self doubting and thinking the opposite of I thought. "Are you kidding? I'm actually happy."

"What? But, you're not regretting meeting me?"

"Of course not," I smiled weakly, "Being at that mansion was a worse prison for me-was total hell. But now I'm here, I feel like it's a little more...spacious? I don't know, but I'm relieved to be out of there. But what's even better...I got to meet you."

He blushed for a second. I realized what I said and blushed a little too. But I continued, "It was really nice to meet someone like you. After this week, you've really got my attention, and it's not gonna go away. So, um, do you want to be friends?"

"Sure, um,.."

I remembered that we didn't know each other's names yet. "Oh right. Well, I forgot because everyone back at the mansion kept on calling me other names."

"So should I call you brat?" the kid teased.

"That's mean!" I cooled down for a second and look at him. He really is something else. I hoped I get to know what he's like. Then I notice the number on his cheek again.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the number.

"Oh this? A guard came by to mark me. Turns out he can't remember what number I am, so he wrote on me like a sheep."

I had an idea. "If I remember, 15 in romaji means 'ju'go', right?"

"I guess?"

"How about I call you Jyugo then?"

"S-sure. But what about you? You don't have a number too."

"Me? That's right, I just got here."

"How old are you?"

"Huh? Um, nine I think."

"You can say 'kyuu', but I heard it also means 'kokonotsu'. Can I call you Koko then?"

"Sure. Well, I guess it's nice to meet you, Jyugo."

"Nice to meet you too, Koko."

The Five Idiots (Jyugo x OC Nanbaka Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now