Ch. 5 Flashback

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My "father" took me to a prison. It's probably for business and he wanted to see what he does. Chihiro came along to supervise me and not get in trouble, but this is me we're talking about. We met the warden and other people working in the prison. Then he left me with Chihiro to talk with the warden personally. They let us walk around the jail and look at the cells. I was curious as to what was in each one, but there was one that caught my eye.

One cell had only one person-a kid around my age. I'm surprised that someone your

Young as me would be already locked up. He was curled up in a ball and surrounded by little toys.

"Oy," I called out.

"M'lady what are you doing?" Chihiro asked.

"I want to talk to him."

"Alright, as you wish. But so you know, your father won't be happy."

"He can do what every he wants for all I care."

He looked up at me and stared with lifeless eyes. Each of his eyes had different colors, which gave me a little shock.

"What do you want?" he asked with lifelessness.

"I just want to talk," I answered as I crouched down.

"No thanks."

"Why are you here in prison?"

"I don't know. I just am."

His eyes now changed to different colors. I said in amaze, "Wow your eyes!"

"What? You think I'm locked up here 'cause I'm a freak? Go ahead laugh at me."

"Why should I? I actually like them. It just makes me now think, you're really different. But like, not in a bad way. I guess good."

"You mean..."

"I heard that eyes are windows to the soul. Some people judge other's character by looks, especially the eyes. But you're different. People won't be able to comprehend who you are, and they become jealous. And to have someone jealous of you makes you stand out positively."

"Are you jealous of me?"

"Kind of," I smiled, "People see and can read me like a book. It feels like I have no privacy."

And then I mumbled, "Which is why I'm in this hell."

"Hey did you say so-"

A huge force pulled me from the back of my dress. And then I got slapped so hard I fell to the ground.


It was my so-called father. He yelled at me, "Hey brat! Don't try to run off like that! You little piece of nothing!"

He started to kick me and it hurts so bad. "You think I brought you in my household to do whatever you want? No, you're suppose to be an adult so act like it now!"

"Will adults be like this? If so, then no," I thought, "But please yelling, it's annoying."

A Rubix cube hit his head. I look up to see that the kid threw it. The kid said, "She did nothing, so she doesn't deserve it. Also, she was about to leave to look for you. You should be at least grateful she was concerned for you."

My father regained his composure and said, "I don't trust a scumbag like you. Chihiro is this true though?"

He looked at the kid and then to me. Chihiro answered, "Yes. We were about to head out before you found us."

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