We All Are Scared

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Sometimes my young brother burn it we don't have dinner then". Winter go to school her dad drops then off then she ride bus home Winter comes home with her brothers on the bus and when she get home she goes in her bedroom or she goes in the living room to sit and watch TV. She don't get to see her dad that much because he goes to 7:00pm comes home at 6:00am wakes winter and her brothers drops us off comes home eat go to bed so he bizzy and it seems like when mom died he dose care about stuff only like keep us safe or keep money in house. We all were a happy family then when Winter mom went we are just not the same no more we don't do stuff like we did when she was a live we just stay home. Then the next day was Saturday so we woke up and we all were out in the living room it was so long since we all was out here to together. She ask her dad why we all out here he said "we all need to talk about when mom went then" he told "everyone when mom went it been hard on us we all be just not the same today we are doing stuff that we will do with mom just with out mom" she know it not going to be the same.
WInter was like No! Then her brothers and her sister say" WE CAN NOT WITHOUT MOM they yell". Her dad said "I know It not with mom we have to sometime do something we don't like to but we have to do it I just want to have fun with u why I don't have to work for the first time in for ever please can I do that". Winter go ok will go them Summer go ok I will go to then Asher goes I will to then Matty goes me to my dad goes "let go then he said hey winter thank for get your brothers and sister to say the will goes to". "you are welcome" winter goes to him. We all when in the car then my dad "goes how want front" "we all go I DO NO ME NO ME NO ME" we "all just start to yell" other hand dad "goes ok I going to pick a number and how is the close one or on it then they get the front he goes "1 through 10" Asher "goes 5" Summer "goes 7" Matty "goes 9" Winter "goes 3" then he said "it was 2 Winter u get it" she yell "YEAH". My sister and my brothers " yells NO THAT'S NOT" he said "yes it is she was the close to the number he goes does it really matter". Winter goes "I'm was luck because i just guess and I was the close one to it but it really don't matter how get it". Dad goes "see Winter understand​ that it don't matter if you get front or not". We all when to the beach and Asher said "hey isn't this the place mom loves she go "yes it this is place always can't wait to it comes summer for we can go to the beach". Dad's goes "it is but we still can come here should mom that we love her and we will never forget her favorite place". Matty said " that's true if we come here then we are still love her and show her that this place is the best". Summer said " i hate to say this but i think that Matty is right.

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