"The Cold Ones play a role in our true legends, our history. The tales about them, our natural enemies, are as old as the wolf legends. However, there are also ones that are more recent," he pauses for a second, his eyes boring into my own, "much more recent."

"The Cullens," I summarize, my voice soft.

"Yes," Billy nods and sighs, "my grandfather Ephraim met them, and he and his pack were prepared to destroy them, but their leader spoke to them. He told them that they were different. They didn't hunt the way others of their kind did- they were not a danger to the tribe. So Ephraim made a truce. If they promised not to bite humans and to stay off our lands, then we would not fight them, or expose them to the pale-faces."

"So you know that the Cullens are not a risk," I state, "that they're not murderers. So why do you look at them like they're monsters? You were looking at Edward like he was the devil incarnate." I accuse. Billy's voice is dark as he speaks next.

"There's always a risk for humans to be around the cold ones, even if they are civilized like the Cullens. You never know when they might get too hungry to resist." There was a thick edge of menace in his tone, and I had to fight not to shiver. Billy leans back on his chair, those ancient, ancient eyes still boring into me. "Now it's my turn," he states. "How do you know about the Cold Ones?"

I bite my lip, trying to think up a believable lie- which I think we've established I'm not good at, then was saved by the sound of Charlie's cruiser pulling up in the driveway. I dive for the opportunity to get out of answering. "You can't tell Charlie!" I tell Billy, urgently. "He can't know!"

"I cannot tell Charlie," Billy answers, giving me a searching look that clearly tells me he realizes that I'm avoiding answering his question, and that he fully intends to demand the answer another time. "We cannot tell the pale-faces about the Cold Ones. It is against the rules of the treaty." I nod, relieved, because I actually was kind of nervous about Charlie figuring out what Edward was, what the Cullens are.

The sound of someone hammering on the doors gives me the opportunity to get away from Billy and his questions, and I hurry over to open the front door for Charlie. "Ta Bells," he smiles, as he walks into the house.

I hear him strike up a conversation with Billy, and the unmistakable sound of beers being popped open, and decide to wander out to see how Jacob's doing working on my engine which actually doesn't have anything wrong with it.

The sky's dark, almost pitch-black, and I have to squint slightly to make out Jacob's feet, sticking out from under the truck. I can see evidence of light underneath, and I'm guessing he has a torch. "You alright under there?" I call out, "I didn't realize how dark it was- you don't have to fix it now. I mean, you don't have to fix it at all. I just wanted to know that it wasn't going to break down, or anything, because I'd have no idea how to fix it."

Jacob scrambles out backwards, and sits up, swiping the hand not holding the torch through his long hair. I decide not to mention the thick black layer of grease covering them, grease he's now tracked through his hair. "Don't worry, it should be fine." He tells me, before blushing slightly and ducking his head down. "The stalling's just because it's old."

I smile at him and hold out a hand, which he hesitantly accepts, and help pull him to his feet. I then groan, realizing that my hand too is now covered in the black grease. "Crap!"

"I'm so sorry." Jacob blushes even harder, and I grin.

"Don't worry, a little grease never killed anyone. Let's go wash our hands." I suggest, turning back to the house. Jacob follows after me like a puppy, as I open the front door with my elbows and make my way up the tiny flight of stairs to the only bathroom.

It takes more scrubbing then I realized to get the grease off, then I return back downstairs, Jacob still at my heels, to grab some dinner. Billy and Charlie are both totally engrossed in the game, beers and pizzas in hand. I smile at them- well at Charlie anyway, fondly, before ducking into the kitchen and finding plates for Jacob and I.

"Here you go," I smile, before helping myself to a large slice. Jacob shyly accepts it, and grabs several large slices. "Do you want to watch the game?" I ask him, as I balance my plate on one hand while digging through the fridge with the other. I find two cans of coke and grab one for us both.

"Um, only if you want to. I'm not exactly as hardcore as dad and Charlie." I grin.

"Me either. How about we go watch a movie upstairs?" I suggest. He smiles.

"Yeah, that would be better."

It was a long night. After the movie finished, Jacob and I went back downstairs where Billy kept turning to look at me, so I spent a lot of time avoiding eye-contact. Jacob was okay company, a little too eager to please, but nice and fun. I was, however, relieved when the game was over, and Billy and Charlie said their goodbyes. "That was fun, Charlie," Billy said, even as his eyes flicked over to me, like they had all night.

"Come up for the next game," Charlie encouraged.

"Sure, sure," Billy said. "We'll be here. Have a good night." His eyes shifted to mine and that smile disappeared. "You take care Bella." His voice was serious. Stern.

"Thanks," I muttered, looking away. I headed for the stairs while Charlie waved from the doorway.

"Wait, Bella," he called back for me. I stopped and tried not to cringe. Dear god, please not let him say anything about Edward. As I turned to face him, his expression was amused. "So, you're not the kind of girl he'd go for, huh?" he teases me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I feign ignorance.

"Of course you don't." He chuckles.

"Dad!" I groan.

"So, Saturday, you still planning on missing the dance?"

"Heck yes." I grumble.

"Well you have fun in Seattle. I've made plans to go fishing with the guys from the station." He says.

"Cool." I nod, and he grins sheepishly.

"I'll probably be gone when you wake up, then, but I should see you tomorrow evening. 'Night Bells."

"Night dad." I respond, before going to my room, ready to try and tune in to Potterwatch before going off to sleep.

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