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The figure slid slowly along the outskirts of the building, using the night as cover. The new Republican capital on Alonia was quite dark at night, which was advantageous. Using their hands, they scaled the large building in a matter of minutes, landing at the designated window. Their employer had taken care to ensure that the security would be down, and as the figure inhaled sharply and broke the glass, they couldn't help sighing in relief as no alarms went off.

The glass from the window spiraled down into the depths of the streets, so far down that the figure lost sight of it before hearing it hit the ground and shatter. They gracefully and quietly landed inside the building with practiced ease, and their eyes glittered as they looked around.

The Chancellor's personal quarters were certainly leisurely, and the figure felt a deep resentment burn inside them. How was it fair that the Chancellor was able to possess such luxury when the rest of the galaxy was suffering in warfare?

The figure crept around the quarters, pulling out a small datapad and looking around to make sure the coast was clear before hooking it up to the security pad that controlled the door to the Chancellor's bedroom. The door opened rather quickly, and the figure had no time to spare, grabbing their electronic deactivated and shutting down the astromech in mere seconds before it could give off a warning of motion in the room.

Letting out a small breath now that the hardest part was done, the figure uncovered a needle and walked slowly towards where Chancellor Mothma lay, being sure to put on fingerprint-protection gloves in case they were to drop the needle. Their employer could have just sent a drone to shoot the dart into the Chancellor, but they believed that was the coward's way.

No. If they were to kill the Chancellor, then they would send a skilled assassin to do it, and that's exactly what the figure was.

The needle slid slowly into the skin, and the figure injected the purple liquid into her bloodstream before pulling away and exiting the room.

And by the time the figure started to hear the Chancellor's hoarse yells and abrupt shifts in her bed, they were long gone.

The figure didn't even stir as they heard the news while walking through the streets, with multiple people rushing into the Chancellor's building in the process, and even when the alarms started to blare and police sirens rang throughout the building complex they didn't bat an eye. They just watched from afar and waited patiently for an opening, then took it, slipping and sliding through the crowd in a hood as if nothing had happened.

And it was just like that the figure slipped into the background, calling their shuttle to them with a commlink. They reached the ship without any trouble, and in a few moments they entered into the atmosphere, blasting off into hyperspace.


Official New Republic document issued and stamped by the New Republic cress

Record of Chancellor Mon Mothma's death Certificate

Replacement: Councilor Leia Organa-Solo

Funeral and Replacement Ceremony will take place approximately two planetary days from date of death. More information to come.

The Alonia Police Force has yet to identify the cause of death.

Darkness {4}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz