twenty one

261 8 1

Early October
Sqirl, Organic Restaurant
Charlotte's P.O.V.

I walked inside of the practically empty restaurant. It was almost all a crisp white, with birch wood accents and steal stools. Vines grew across the ceiling near the wall with chalkboards covered with the menu. A large counter sat towards the back, with the smoothie and fruit stand in view.

I saw Gigi sitting on the right side of the counter, with a small cup of tea in her hand. She looked up at me and smiled, then gave me a little wave. A smiled at her and sat down across from her.

"Hey girlie! Don't you look good!" She said with a smirk.

"And you are just radiating like the sun," I said to her, and she laughed. Gigi was wearing a yellow jumpsuit and matching sunglasses.

"Kenny will be here soon. If you don't mind, she's gonna bring a camera guy or two, and Kourtney."

"It's not a problem at all! I'd love to meet them!" I said happily as I wiggled around in my seat a bit. A waitress came over and asked me what I wanted to drink, and I asked for a strawberry banana smoothie. She nodded, and left us alone.

"So hon, tell me what's been going on in your life," Gigi said as she brought her tea cup up to her lips.

"Well, I left New York and moved here because life was so boring back home. I needed a change, and where else to go than LA?" I said with a smile. The waitress came over with my smoothie and handed it to me, and I thanked her with a smile. "I ran into a girl named Amy the day after I got here, and we talked for a while over lunch, and she offered me a job with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend just so happens to be an old friend of mine, and he's this huge YouTuber now. I work as his Personal Assistant and Brand Representative. It's a lot of fun, and the people are crazy, but it's home to me now." I sighed, then took a sip of my smoothie.

"That's adorable," Gee said with a smile. "It sounds like you're settling in just fine. Your life seems so calm compared to mine."

"Everyone's life seems calm compared to yours," I said and added a chuckle at the end.

"Honestly. It's so hectic. I'm sure your life will be soon too, being a personal assistant and all."

"What have you been doing recently?" I asked her.

"Oh, you know. Waiting until I need to go to New York to try out for the Victoria Secret show. You should try out for it."

I snorted and choked on my smoothie, making it come out of my nose. Gigi began hysterically laughing like a maniac. I took a napkin and wiped my nose with it, then began laughing hard as well.

"You're honestly hysterical, Gee, but I'm not cut out to be a Victoria Secret model," I said as I put my napkin down and pushed my smoothie to the side.

"What are you talking about? You're absolutely gorgeous and you have managed to contain the perfect body without even trying. You have natural beauty, and they love that. Kenny! Convince Cher to be an angel with us!" Gigi called out to Kendall, who was just now walking through the restaurant doors. Her tall figure was extremely noticeable, especially with her long legs sticking out from her shorts. Behind her was a person that was the complete opposite of her. Kourtney walked in behind her younger sister. Her long black hair cascaded down her white bodysuit, matched with black shorts and tall black boots.

When Life Gives You Cupcakes || Tyler ScheidWhere stories live. Discover now