Not seeing how I could refuse this offer without offending him, I nodded my head and followed him inside. I watched him from the corner of my eye; his movements seemed too precise,  too practiced. He was not very strong, I knew that, but he seemed to be planning something. My Wolf was still not listening to me, instead preferring to run scenarios in her head of what she would be doing later. I rolled my eyes as her thoughts were quite loud.

The house was quiet when we entered it, as though it was holding it's breath. When I sharpened my senses though, I could easily make out the heartbeats of each Wolf, awake or asleep, within the house. There seemed to be a number of Wolves in the basement watching over a sleeping Wolf.

"I hope that you will like it here." Dene was saying, referring to the house, as he led me up the stairs, clearly to go to his room.

I stopped walking, sensing the many Wolves ahead of us. We had basically just met, I had just discovered that he is my mate, and yet he seemed to want more from me than what I was prepared to give him. He turned to me and looked concerned.

"What's wrong?" he asked innocently enough.

Follow him already! My Wolf yelled at me, I have been away from him for so long, why do you delay me even more? He's our mate! Nothing will harm us here!

I slowly walked forward, taking his outstretched hand and smiling tentatively at him, reassured by my Wolf. Perhaps all of these things I was noticing was purely paranoia from all my time in the woods.

As soon as I had thought it, Dene pulled me in the very center of the area which the other Wolves were around, and at that moment they surged forward. I stiffened, the doors to rooms slamming open around me. Dene watched calmly as his Wolves surrounded us – me.

I glared at him, feeling betrayed, hurt and proven that my theory was right. Though the usual feeling of elatement did not come since I was now in the middle of a sprung trap. My Wolf was hurt, but she was not going to leave me alone. Instead she growled with me, creating a ripple of fear go through the crowd now surrounding me.

"Dene, what could be possibly going on?" I said sarcastically,  knowing full well that I had just been ambushed. He did not smile, but looked grave.

"Kay, my mate, I am truly sorry, however, this must be done." Dene said, looking as though this pained him to say. When he looked back at me though, there was no guilt or pity, just eminent victory. "Kill her."

And with that he walked away as the Wolves surged forward again. I crouched low and readied for their attack, my Wolf and I becoming one.

~Unknown POV~

I awoke with a splitting headache, a terrible throbbing at the back of my head.  I groaned as I lifted myself up, my eyes already adjusting to the darkness of this damp room. The floor was a hard cement with small rocks sticking out of it in every which way. The walls looked to be of stone and there were no windows or doors.  The only light was from the cracks between the wooden ceiling above. Perhaps there was a trap door?

I could smell the mold growing between the stones as water trickled down the walls. My entire body was throbbing, much like the back of my head, and I could not sense my Wolf. It was as though he had been put asleep. I closed my eyes for a moment to try and connect with my Wolf but there was no response. Since I could not contact him, it meant that I could not shift. I'd be a normal human until whatever drug they hit me with wore out.

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