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"OH YES DADDY, YES!" Rebecca my assistant yelled as I fucked her from behind, I pulled her hair and smacked her ass
"Ti piace quello? Hmm you dirty slut" I growled him her ear fucking her harder
"Oh yeah baby give it to me yes, yes, yes" I fucked her faster and came then pushed her off of me, as the phone rang
"Get dressed and get out" she scurried to get dressed and kissed me on my cheek then left
"Hello" I answer the phone gruffly
"Capo lo abbiamo trovato" one of my workers said through the receiver

"Va bene parleremo più tardi" I hung up the phone and got back to my paper work, the little scene before was my daily routine with my office whore Rebecca, she thinks that I'll marry her if I fuck her enough but shes too skinny and too white, since I was young I preferred my women thick and dark, like rich chocolate so yummy and delicious.

My name is Adriano Demarco Gabrielli Romano, the heir of Romano Inc. mob boss. My life wasn't always peaches and cream growing up, I witnessed my father get murdered right in front of our home in Italy and since I have become ruthless, coldhearted. When I was 18 I had my heart broken by Melinda Resnikov the bitch cheated on me with my brother and then married him and had kids, so now I trust no bitch

The night rolled around, I finished off my work for the day and headed out for the dirty business that was conducted in the night, my worker informed me that the found the man that has been stealing from me and that's one thing you don't do when it comes to a Romano, steal, fuck with the family and lie. I called my boys to the office and we rode around the city looking for one man in particular Demitri Rodeo a former worker of mine that was caught taking supplies out of the warehouse and selling it for himself that's a crime punishable by hmm I dunno... death 

We rode around for hours looking for this lying thief Demitri, my boys had a location on him and when we got there he looked like he seen a ghost

"Ciao Demitri Rodeo" I smirked when he started crying and trying to explain 

"Per favore, boss, per favore" I laughed and nodded, Tiny stepped from the shadows and punched him in the jaw, he cried out in pain 

"Perché hai rubato" I rubbed my stubble damn I need to shave 

"Non so signore, Non lo so" He cried and Tiny punched him again making him fall back

"Hmm Cosa faremo con lui?" I'm really disappointed, he was one of my favorite warehouse boys and now he has to die 

"Tortura tortura tortura" They chanted, it was about 3 men with me, after we're done here we are going to Italy to visit my mama

"Per favore, Per favore" He pleaded, I rolled my eyes and punched him myself, he cried out louder than before 

"Um hello? Are you okay?" A female voice called out, I sighed now I have to kill 2 people.. great , she flashed a light towards us and Demitri looked hopeful and I punched him again no one is coming between him and his death sentence 

"Stronzo! Rubando da me! Sei pazzo?!" I yelled getting tired of his shit 

"Mi dispiace, mi dispiace, per favore dont uccidimi! per favore!" He pleaded for his life he knew it was too late for him 

"Trappo tardi" I fired a shot into his head and it was silent except for a gasp from the woman that was there before I sighed 

" Merda, adate a controillare!"I ordered, I heard shuffling and she was trying to be quiet but I guess she was crying and trying to hold her breath 

"So che sei qui" Tiny whispered and she gasped and shuffled more then he shoved the dumpster away 

"Tu sei piccola" I laughed and walked toward the car when the girl screamed, I turned around as she tried to run and Tiny grabbed her by her hood and put her over his shoulder and made her drop her phone 

"PUT ME DOWN! LET GO OF ME YOU BITCH!"She screamed, punched, kicked, kneed, and bit to get away but Tiny didn't loosen his grip on her 

"Capo c'e una ragazza" Tiny gripped her harder and she squealed and hit his back hard as hell, she was getting on my fucking nerves with all of her fucking screaming 

"Portella!" I snapped rubbing my temples, this little bitch is giving me a headache. 

"What are you doing here girl?" I snapped at her and she started bawling her eyes out, damn I haven't even touched her ass and she's crying I looked at her and she was a beautiful girl, chocolate skin, puffy afro hair, thick chubby body,a real beauty, I think I'll keep her

"I was ju just walking an an and I wo wo wont te te tell please let me go" she could barely talk from crying so damn much and she was shaking, I huffed 

"Ah see the thing is I don't give 2 shits about you telling, you've seen too much I have to kill you" I smirked and threw my head back

"NO NO PLEASE, PLEASE DONT PLEASE!" She held on to me for dear life, I snatched her hands off and shoved her to Tiny and she held on to him, he looked kinda uncomfortable but he let her hang on to him. I sighed and threw my head back laughing 

"Alright I wont kill you but you have to be my slave" I smirked at how she looked at me, like I had 3 heads or something 

"Hell to the no my nigga my ancestors went through that, it ain't happening play boy" I don't know where that courage came from but it was sexy yet this little bitch isn't gonna talk to me any kind of way

"See the thing is, I wasn't asking" I nodded my head  and Tiny stuck her in the neck with the sleep aid and she started to black out, he passed her to me and I put her in the back of the SUV and we headed to the airport on the way to Italy with my bride to be.

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