Discriminative love

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Scooping the last bit of yoghurt out of the pot I was about to say bye to my mum.
"Bye mum! See you when I get back," I shouted, clutching the door handle.
"I say, wait right there!" My mum bellowed, as if something had annoyed her, "let me see your makeup," she came from the living room and stomped towards me, tilting my chin up forcefully.
"Mum I really need to get to school so -"
"You really need to calm down on the eyeliner," she sighed harshly.
"It's who I am, you should stop worrying and accept it," I smiled lightly and patted her shoulder before leaving the house.
Geez I'm so sick of people judging my eyeliner!
I rolled my eyes to myself, making my way across the road to my school. Like always, many students were messing around and annoying me when I was trying to walk past, so the only conclusion I could think of was pushing them out of the way.
"Whoa, Beki, calm down," a familiar voice sounded behind me.
I turned around and saw Minhyuk running towards me with a wide smile engraved on his face. My heart instantly felt at ease and my expression became much more relaxed.
The first day I came to this school, Minhyuk was the first and only person who managed to be understanding to my unique style. It took him a while to work his way around me, and I was weary of opening myself up to him. Usually I enclose my problems to myself or any worries, but I'd managed to open up to Minhyuk in good time. Despite him being a persistent freak, I admired how he didn't give up on me.
"Park Minhyuk, you should understand that telling me to calm down will piss me off even more," I smirked and carried on walking.
Catching up beside me he walked at the same pace as me, glued to my side, "I know, I know. Min Beki is one ruthless bitch."
I snapped my head in his direction and scowled while he winked.
"Seriously you should stop trying to wind me up!" I snapped and slapped his arm. All he did was laugh his way to class, placing his bag on my chair next to him. On top of that he swooped his feet onto my desk and closed his eyes, a slight smirk gliding over his lips.
"You've gotta' be kidding me Minhyuk," I grumbled and walked over to my place, swinging his bag into his chest, earning a huff from him. Sitting down I tried shifting his legs with great force, failing miserably, "Minhyuk, can you please stop being a pain in the ass?"
"Well that's not a nice thing to say is it?" He mumbled, peeking one eye open.
"At this moment in time I don't care," I said menacingly whilst glaring at him.
"Geez don't kill me, okay," he sniggered and slowly slipped his feet off the desk, nudging my side. I just ruffled his fuzzy hair irritatingly and placed my equipment out on the desk waiting for the lesson to start.
Lunch finally drifted into existence and Minhyuk instantly dashed out of the classroom, leaving me shaking my head in disbelief at his childishness. I made my way slowly to the dinner queue seeing that Minhyuk had already found a place to sit. As he was hungrily wolfing his food down a group of girls pushed in front of me, sneering and giving the occasional glance over their shoulder to look at me.
Anger was boiling in the pit of my stomach but I decided to let the matter subside.
Collecting my food I made my way to the empty seat opposite Minhyuk and sat down.
"Mm-Buki. Do you want chto gwab a coffi waater?" Minhyuk stated, his voice muffled due to the food that was crammed in his mouth.
"Yeah, sure why not," I shrugged and started eating my food.
Quietly eating, I could feel Minhyuk staring at me intently, but I chose not to notice, ignoring the flips my stomach was making.
"Hey, don't you think that Min Beki wears way too much eyeliner?" I heard a girl sneer arrogantly behind Minhyuk. His head suddenly snapped up, his eyes holding a certain madness in them. He abruptly swivelled around, standing up from his chair. Whilst marching to the girls table, a tight knot formed in my stomach whilst my throat became crinkled and dry. What the heck is he doing?!
"I'm sick and tired of you girls making fun of Beki's eyeliner and how she dresses a certain style! Just keep your pointless opinions to yourself and don't waste your breath on trying to bring her down! Seriously, you're not just annoying her but me too. Get a life!" Minhyuk had shouted before collecting his tray, disposing of it.
My heart was rapidly pounding against my chest, sending tremors up my throat as if an earthquake was occurring inside of me.
"Beki let's go somewhere else," Minhyuk's voice bounded in my eardrums all of a sudden.
"O-okay," I agreed willingly, putting my tray away. I was instantly tugged into the empty corridor when Minhyuk trapped me against the lockers.
"Listen to me, Beki. You really need to confront anyone who makes fun of your makeup or style, because it's not fair on you having to be judged for who you are," his eyes were pleading, his head level with mine.
I smiled lightly and patted his head, "it really doesn't affect me, don't worry yourself."
The bell started ringing, "come on, lets go to class," I concluded and pushed his hands down to his sides, tugging one of them, indicating him to follow me.
Reaching our class, I noticed we had a different teacher from usual. I frowned to myself and turned to Minhyuk who just shrugged his shoulders. We both sat down and waited for other people to enter.
"Excuse me, but where's Mr Kim?" Minhyuk spoke up politely.
The woman turned around with a false smile and said, "I'm covering his lesson as he's ill."
Minhyuk just nodded and edged closer to me for some reason, I looked at him strangely.
"What? She scares me," he pouted childishly, clinging to my arm.
"Whoa, I'm not your mother, grow some balls!" I exclaimed, sniggering afterwards.
"Hey! What the hell!" He screeched, crossing his arms over his chest.
Before the lesson started, I saw the supply teacher fishing out some wipes and walking in my direction. She was looking directly in my eyes, as if she wanted to penetrate my soul with her powerful stare.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, but I think that your eyeliner is a little bit too exaggerated for school. So if you wouldn't mind taking it off," her snotty tone of voice shrilly clawed through my skin and my expression fell into a dark glare.
"It doesn't effect your way of living does it?" I said through gritted teeth, trying to seethe my anger out coolly.
"It effects the way I teach because it distracts me," she fired back, folding her arms.
"Then you could simply not look in my direction," I snarled, irritation rising in my tone.
"Could you please just remove it. It makes you look like a panda," she smirked slightly, about to walk away.
"You're being extremely discriminative you know?" I clutched the wipe, "the way someone applies their makeup doesn't impose anyone else's life. Eyeliner wasn't made for nothing; it can be drawn on however anyone wants it," I looked up at her appalled expression. I continued however, "the fact that you think you have authority over whether I should take my makeup off is disgusting," I spat my last word out, "as a matter of fact I can do anything I want with my eyeliner, it's what I like and it's how I do it, so take your snotty substitute attitude and shove it some place where the sun doesn't shine," with one swift movement I walked in front of her and splattered the wipe over her made up face before strolling out of the room.
"I'm so sick of being continually judged by my eyeliner and style," I muttered to myself whilst leaning over the wall. I found the roof a pleasant break from school to come and collect my thoughts, and this was the perfect excuse to pardon myself from returning to the building. The breeze was pleasant, and brushed its way through my hair as if to soothe me from my frantic outburst.
Suddenly, the doors to the roof flew open, "Beki! Beki are you here?" It was Minhyuk's voice.
"Ugh that kid can never stop pestering me," I muttered, laughing afterwards though.
"There you are!" I heard him sigh with relief; there were several footsteps before Minhyuk was standing beside me, "can I just say, what you did was absolutely amazing!" I turned to look at his beaming smile, all of his teeth bared.
"Thanks, I guess," doubt suddenly creeped around my heart as I thought of the drastic actions I performed, "but now I'm in serious trouble."
"Ah who cares, you've got me!" He mused giddily taking my arm.
"Minhyuk... why are you friends with me?" I carried on looking ahead at the city laid out underneath us.
"Because you are the most honest person I've ever come across, and I really admire that," I saw him gaze out at the city too from the corner of my eye.
"But everyone makes fun of how I apply my makeup and how I look. Doesn't it embarrass you?"
"Are you stupid? Of course it doesn't because... because..." he stopped through his sentence, trailing off.
"Because what?" I asked more softly.
"There's something I want to tell you... something I've been wanting to tell you," I felt Minhyuk's eyes lay upon me, so I felt the need to face him.
"Go on," I smiled weakly at him, giggling at the fact that he wasn't much taller than me.
"I need you to understand that this world is corrupted and discriminative to anything that's different, and I don't think that will change for a long time," he took a deep breath and placed my hands in his, "but your family... and me are here for you."
"W-what?" I was slightly dumbfounded by his abrupt statement.
"I'm trying to say that I care for you, a lot. I hate seeing you get hurt because of idiotic people," his gaze was sincere and I felt butterflies explode inside of my stomach.
I coughed, "h-hey, I don't need you feeling sorry for me. Stop being cringy already," I obviously meant that in a joking way, however Minhyuk's grip tightened around my hands.
"I need you to take me seriously," his voice went deeper and his stare darkened, "can you just accept my help and support. Can you accept my feelings for you?"
"F-feelings? W-what feelings?" My head had its wires mixed up and I struggled to concentrate.
"What feelings do you think, idiot," his expression softened and a slight smile creeped at the corners of his mouth. I gave him a confused expression which caused him to sigh harshly, "what I'm trying to say is that... I..." he paused, pulling me closer, "I like you."
I honestly had no idea what to do. Every part of me was rigid and the only thing moving was my heart, it was moving vigorously and I was afraid that it was about to burst from my chest.
Moving his hands from mine, Minhyuk firmly placed his hands at the side of my face, drawing me in closer till our lips crashed against each other.
Oh lord... what's happening? Why aren't I resisting?
I soon found that his lips were moving against mine and that my body was acting against my conscience. My eyes slowly drifted shut until I was going along with his movements, placing my hands around his neck as his trailed down to my waist.
Breaking apart, Minhyuk said, "let's stay up here for a little longer," turning to face the bustling city below he hugged me closer. The sun was a glowing orange, reflecting how warm my heart felt at this moment in time.
Stood as we were, we watched the sun go down bit by bit as it left a trail of heartfelt colours, making me grin inanely at what had just happened.
A/N: Another one complete! Hope you guys enjoy this!
When I was planning this, my friend Becky at the time liked Rocky, but now she likes Moonbin which is awkward... but oh well, she still loves Rocky I'm sure ☺️ HOPE YOU ENJOY READING THIS BECKY, HOPE IT'S NOT TOO CRINGY FOR YOU!
I'll probably write the next one tomorrow or something, so stay updated!

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