chapter 2

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  ''Are you sure its safe with having those two down there together?'' Steve asks the group. ''They both have mischievous plans and they are free to talk to each other.''

        ''Well where else were we going to put him, Steve?'' Tony says holding a glass of whiskey.

        ''Kat has been on board for months and we haven't done a thing with her, should we do something with her, she needs to pay for the crime she has done.''

        ''We've been hoping she'd go back to being on our side,'' Clint says his thoughts. ''She was a good teammate, and we'd all hate to have her against us, plus Ash won't let us do anything, she's the one that mainly believes that she'll snap out of it.''

        ''She'll go insane in there if anything, yet somehow she hasn't. I'm glad she's out of our picture, ever since she was little she caused problems, there is no way she'll change now,'' Natasha brings up.

        ''Just because she's always been like this doesn't mean she wouldn't change, you never know,'' Tony says. ''Her and I were close and got along fine, but I can tell that she isn't going to change, she has nothing to snap out of, its just who she is!''

        ''Didn't Ash say something about the two of them going to Asgard?'' Steven says. ''I remember her saying that Thor should be coming here soon now that he knows we have Loki, she was going to ask to take her to their world.''        

        ''As long as she's out of here. I'd rather have Loki around than her,'' Natasha says walking out of the room leaving the three guys alone standing in the room.

        ''Steve's right though, the two of them talking freely doesn't seem like the greatest idea, then again if Kat wanted to escape she would have done something by now, but all she does is read or lay on the floor and talk to herself,'' Clint says.

        ''You know her the best Clint, do you really think she would try to escape?'' Steve says.

        ''She could have done it by now, she could have killed any of us if she wanted, either she has a plan and is waiting to put it in motion, or else she knows what she's done and wants to pay for her crimes.''

        ''The two of those are completely different, how are we to know which one?'' Tony asks after drinking is glass of whiskey and setting it on the bar.

        ''We're going to have to wait and see, there's no other way to tell, not like she'd tell the truth,'' he gets lost in the monitor that shows what's going on in her cell.


        ''You have never tried to get out of here?''

        ''Never. At first I was trying to come up with ways, but the truth is, they're just gonna find me again, is it really worth it? Is it really freedom when you're constantly looking behind your shoulder? I may try one day, but at the moment I'd rather have then fret over me and what they're going to do with me.''

        ''I may have heard that they were going to send you to Asgard with me whenever Thor gets back from doing something for Odin. So he should be here by tomorrow.''

        ''Looks like I'll still be stuck with you then,'' she is standing up and pacing around the cell.

        ''I'll get a chance to meet your sister,'' Loki is now against the door of the cell looking at her as they converse.

        ''Trust me, if you hate Thor, you won't like her much, those two are connect like a mage and their spell book. It disgusts me sometimes. Do you have anyone that you care about?''

        ''I've never found a woman, nor will I ever more likely. I don't have an interest in love, barely even friendship. What makes you think that I would have someone?''

        ''Dispute the chaos you cause, you seem like you could be sweet to someone, but only if you truly like them. You aren't bad looking either, your face is a bit dirty, but nothing you can't fix,'' she chuckles. ''Decent sense of style as well. One could say your cute.''

        He feels his cheeks become a bit warm but does nothing to make it stop. ''I couldn't imagine a beautiful young lady like yourself not having a man to love.''

        ''Ha!'' she stop walking. '' You actually made me laugh. That would only happen in dreams!''

        ''Because you don't let them or because you've never found the one that you would waste time on.''

        ''Possibly both,'' she turns to him. ''What is the use of love? Is one truly perfect for another? Does anyone really know the meaning of love, I think not,'' she brushes the hair out of her face with her fingers, then continues to course her fingers though her hair making it a lot smoother and less messy.''

        The two have small talk until the other falls asleep and the other slowly drifts into a slumber as well.

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