my future husband part 2

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whoa they were better than last year! Sting said happily No they all sound good last year especially Y/N. Rouge says. NO MARI WAS THE BEST! Orga yelled. they started arguing. Jason was about to say who won y'all changed now so when they girls came out most of the boys got nose bleed cause we were considered thick in a good way. OKAY AND THIS WINNER OF THIS YEAR'S SINGING COMPETITION IS...... the girls were so scared they were holding hands really tight. THE CLAWS! The girls were so excited. HELL YEAH WE WON! Mari yelled which got her another slap on the head. AYE NOW Y'ALL GONNA STOP SLAPPING ME BEFORE THE DEMON COME OUT OF ME AND THE LAST TIME THAT HAPPEN Y'ALL HALF WAY DIED! Mari yelled and glared at Y/n cause it was her who slapped her. That's my princess. Rogue said They all looked in that direction hey Juvia your stingy pooh is hereeee Mari and Y/N said Oh my god y'all are so embarrassing. y'all gave your "future husbands" kisses. You did great Juvia. Sting said Mari and Y/N cleared there throats oh y'all did good too. Sting said. Whatever Mari rolled her eyes.


Sting POV

Sleepless night again. I sigh my beautiful girlfriend laying by my side didn't help I just cant get any sleep. I thought. I got up to go get some water I think I woke up Juvia though. Sting why are you up so early? she yawned I couldn't sleep again. I mentally whimper. she sighed Sting you've been doing to much paperwork your stressing yourself that's why your not getting any sleep. Yea your right Juvia. she smiled Come here Sting ill help you. Whelp I just got a boner. I thought. I came towards her, What are you gonna do Juvia? Nothing bad just massage you that always help. she said with a grin, But you need to lay on your stomach Sting she demanded. Ok Juvia jeez. I say. Juvia climbed on top of me and sat there and gave me my massage. ( y'all know how in the lego movie/ batman movie how the fall asleep like right before they even touch the pillow that how Sting fell asleep) Goodnight Future Husband Juvia kisses my cheek before going to sleep her self.


3rd POV

the girls and boys had training today. UGHHHHHH get up Orga. Mari whined. NO IM SLEEPING IN! Orga groaned in response. LISTEN HERE FUCKBOI I DONT HAVE ALL DAY WE HAVE TRAINING TODAY GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP BEFORE I LEAVE YOU! Mari yelled at him. Damn I'm now why did you just tell me that instead of calling me a fuckboi. Orga whined. Man up, stop being a baby. Now get ready Mari said. sting and rogue were already at the guild wait on Mari and Orga. they finally walk through the door. YOUR LATE Sting says irritated. Ay don't get and at me I was ready fuckboi right here didn't want to get up yell at him. Mari responded back. Whatever lets go. Rogue said

yay I completed the first chapter 49 more to go this is gonna be a long summer

Sting: Well you got us

ME: true but what if I don't finish and school starts?

Rogue: Cant you just do it in school?

Me: Hell no im not tryna get my phone taken again


Me: lord yes it went off in class but ill see yall later

Finish at 5:56 am

SEQUAL Sting x Juvia and Rogue x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat