chapter 9 : The good, the bad and the dirty.

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Rhemiel sat up in bed next to Ash who was reading a book next to her " good morring " "morning" "so i thought after breakfast you could tell me a story" he said closing  the book and putting it on the floor and getting up and the same time " a story, what kind of story would you like?" she asked as she got up and they headed to the galley " a story about a beautiful archangel and her life before she fell to earth and met a dashing demon with wings" he said heading to the fridge and grabbing a jug of juice he grabbed a glass poured it and handed it to Rhemiel she took a drink he smiled " oh that story, get conftabel it's along one" " okay im confy" rhemiel took a deep breath and the room filed with the sound of music in the distances "rhemiel what's going?" "i'm tellingnyou a story, by taking you in to my mind in away, you will exsperiance everything i felt and see everything i did back then" "cool i'm intreaged" .

once apron a time in heaven 2 years, 9 months and 1 week before the fall a group of archangels were getting ready for war: training hall Rhemiel slamed her bow on the tabel, michael stood with his arms behind him watching as gabriel walked over and placed a hand on rhemeils shoulder " i do not need or nor did i ask for your pitty" '' i understand how ever you have it no less" rhapael walked over and placed a sheald down next to her bow, "shall we try it with our swords next?'' "he asked she stered him down and rhemiel walked away as zadikel walked over "what did you do now raphael?'' '' what i incorsged her that's all" he followed rhemeil who he found talking to castell they seamed to be fighting as he grabed her arm " castell i was woundering would you like to train with me, rhemeil can not handel it" '' very well" castell let go and walked away " i had evrything inhand you were not need" '' oh rhemiel you have know idea" shoundly a bell echoed and all the archangels run to the courtyard "micheal has recived word that the out lives of heaven have been reached" "thank you riguel yes it seams that dark figuers have crossed over and have killed more of our gardians" "what should we do?" charmel asked as she stept forward " it is simple send a selected frew to the font lines and stop them getting closer" uriel said micheal noded "very well ill selec then let you all know soon mean while doubel the training, rhemiel your on bourder patrol" she noded heade back to the training hall and grabed her bow and swords, placed her swords in thier holders and left castell watched her leave.

the others found out who was to head to the front line castell, jophel, Daniel, aziel, and charmel they all stood together spread thier wings and lifted off flying in a group, michael watched them leave "rapheal what happened at training?" ''what do you mean?" "you kept letting rhemiel win" " twice" '' why? she is a brave solder who can beat you with out your tricks" ''she had a bad week" '' what a human thing to say, rhemiel is not yours to worrie about zadikel is stick to your partner and let castell handel her'' ''even if he's handeling her wrong?'' '' your felling are dangoures and will get you and her hurt let them go them or i will make you" ''yes sir" michael left gabriel was watching, raphael found rhemiel in a lock out tower looking down on the world "nice veiw" ''it is appropret for what it is, why are you here? did michael send you?'' "yeah i'm here to kkep you company" '' why? my own company is all i reqiuer please leave but if you do decide to stay, stay over there"  "very well so" ''and no talking" "fine"  after a while of silence rhemial spoke "why did you let me win?m if you were trying to seam heroic i my eyes you failed greatly i would have raver liked you to give it your all insted of only giving it half of what you can do" '' so you think i can do better?'' ''you can be more than you are, but you decided to cheaped our trainig, what was the porpes raphael?" he looked away as she asked him "you had a bad week" she flew over to him and landed so close to his face thire lips almost touched "never ever decided if i have or have not had a bad week, becaues i am not yours, i am noone's and no man nor angel will decided for me is that clear and if you think for a second that losing like that will get you any where you are wrong, now draw your sword" "what?'' " your sword, i reqiuer a re match" '' its agenst the ruls to fight out sided of the training hall" she removed a word and took her stand he did the same, just as they were about to fight a small group of demons entered the look out " at lest we are armed".

" medatron are the lines ready?" rigul asked holding up what look liked a map "yes we are ready as soon as michael gives the word, we attack" '' good" rigul turned and left to find , michael he stoped out sised  the curtin that was his door he saw gabriel reach up and touch his face then kiss his cheek, he held her hand then she left rigul waited then entered "micahel we are ready when you are just give the word" " not yet the time is not right, till it is we fight as one, we win as one and we fail if we do as one" "very well" he turned and headed back to the hall, raphael and rhemeil stood sournded "should we call for back up?'' he asked " theres no time we must fight" ''we need to get michael to alow us to, we just can't fight, can we?'' ''yes if the moment calls for it" '' and does the momnet call for it?'' '' yes it most deffently" "very well" the demons attaked one hit rhemiel so hard het she stayed in place swung her sword and slice the demon i half.

"hey rhemiel" ash grabed her arm " what?'' '' your bleeding ash pointed to her noes " um ash i fell so good "as she said that she clapsed he moved and grabed her picked her up and carried her to the room and laid her on the bed, he touched her hair then loked up "recce your timing sucks" '' what do you think your doing?'' ash stood up " oh you should't be here that's not plan we'll life i'm so sorry" '' what did you do?'' '' just gave her a little something, see i know that if she's trouble you will fell it and look here you are brave caring, stupid recce I can't  believe were related oh we'll ( willa and two demons showed up ) and look your escorts are here I think it's time to leave, yes willa take him and I'll grab her" willa nodded and recce left with them, ash ran over and leaned down a whispered "baby wake up, it's time the war's started" she opened her eyes "ash I can't fell my legs" "yep up we go" he picked her up "now hold on I've never flown with three people before" she rapped her arms around his neck and they left.

the war on earth had started and the price would be great.

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