Tylers POV

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Tyler awoke to a phone call from Connor at around 7am on Saturday morning, answering with a groggy hello and "why the frick are you calling so early??"
Connor sniggered and told Tyler he had another session booked for tonight, he perked up when he mentioned that his new student was a cute boy, but Connor said he wasn't allowed to ogle him in any way.

"Damn" Tyler replied, feeling his hopes drop immediately.

Although Tyler loved his job, it wasn't exactly ideal and he had been doing it for around three years now, secretly wishing a better job opportunity would come along.

What he really needed was a voice to express his feelings, emotions, and to become his interpretation for the music he wrote, then maybe he would make more money than teaching guitar or performing at the mall.

Speaking of which, he played for about an hour at the mall, mostly one direction so he could be a hit with the teenage girls amongst the crowd watching.

When Tyler played, he always put an edge to the pop/indie songs he would perform, adding more guitar solos to fill in for not singing. He also felt as if it had a soothing effect on people passing by, the gentle strum of picking patterns being played enough to lull someone into a deep sleep.

After leaving the mall, he grabbed some food and prepared for the next 4 lessons he had to teach, excited to finish off with his newest student Troye.

~4 hours later~

Once his second to last student had left, Tyler started strumming aimlessly on his new les Paul guitar. He spent an hour coming up with the rest of his unfinished piece he'd started and settled the instrument down after hearing a knock at the door.

Excitetedly, he rushed over and opened the door with a welcoming smile.


The boy stood in front of him was absolutely stunning.
He had the prettiest eyes Tyler had ever laid his own upon, not to mention his strong eyebrow game and his toothy yet perfect smile. Shit, Tyler should stop staring and really say something.

"Hi I'm Tyler! You're Troye right?" He said enthusiastically whilst holding out his hand. Troye looked at it with raised eyebrows and shook it gently, replying with a weak "yeah that's me" in return.

Tyler could feel how soft the boy's hands were and blood rushed to his face as he felt himself turn bright red. He gestured for Troye to follow him and looked down to hide his face as they walked into his living room.

The lesson itself went well and Tyler taught Troye the basics and simple chords that he managed to pick up easily. Tyler was teaching him the C chord when he realised that Troye's fingers wouldn't reach.

This gave him the perfect chance to lean forward and place his finger at the right fret, getting a bit up-close and personal with the attractive boy in front of him.
Tyler smirked as he realised Troye was blushing and he let his fingers linger across Troye's own ones, feeling them shake slightly under his touch and watched as Troye bit his lip and let out a small sigh.

Tyler pulled away and watched as Troye strummed the chord and managed to get it spot on.
"Nice one, Troye." Tyler said, dragging out the other's name in a way he hoped sounded seductive.
He prayed to Beyoncé that Troye was gay, Connor mentioned earlier that he seemed a bit feminine when they met at the shop but Tyler couldn't be so sure.

To make casual conversation Tyler asked about Troye's background and where he was born, wondering where he got that beautiful accent from. He told Tyler about his move to the US, and that he wanted to sing professionally but needed to learn how to play an instrument first. Tyler was immediately interested, loving how shy yet open he seemed to be and how easy it was to make the boy blush or stutter his words.

Tyler knew it was rude to ask but he slipped in a, "so do you live alone or like, with your girlfriend?"
Troye laughed at that, running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head. "I live alone actually, and definitely have no girlfriend as I don't really um, swing that way..."
Tyler almost fist bumped the air, clenching his hand around his guitar to stop himself from doing so. He smiled at Troye smugly and nodded, spending the rest of the lesson teaching Troye some easy strumming patterns.

Before either of them knew it, it was 8 o' clock and the lesson had finished.
"So um, should I give you my number?" Troye asked, adding a quick "-in case you need to call to cancel a lesson or something" afterwards.
"Of course! Take my phone and type it in." Tyler handed his phone over and watched as Troye typed in his number, wetting his lips once with his tongue which definitely caught Tyler's attention.
Troye must have noticed him staring as he grinned and Tyler could've sworn he'd glanced down at his mouth.

Why did he find this boy so attractive and why did he make Tyler feel butterflies in his stomach?

Tyler grabbed his phone back and waved Troye out, saying "see you next week!" which Tyler doubted he could wait that long without going crazy.

After shutting the door he leaned against it, sighing loudly and sliding to sit on the floor. Tyler couldn't like a boy this much after meeting and talking for only an hour, and especially since Troye was only 19 and he was 24, the age gap was massive. Shitshitshit what had he got himself into? Tyler couldn't be crushing on someone this much, he wasn't in high school for goodness sake!

To distract himself and his stupid thoughts, he grabbed one of his acoustics and began to play 'Don't wait' by Mapei, one of his newest favourites.

~A/N: hey sorry this took ages to upload, I've been really busy lately and haven't had much time to write, basically I hope everyone enjoys this AU because there are definitely more chapters to come ;) (also omg I learnt don't wait on guitar yesterday so I just thought I'd include that haha) plus the chapters will hopefully improve as the plot thickens!

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