Chapter Thirteen

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i don't know much about this subject that going to arise but if this has happened to you or someone you know speak to someone. and if i get anything wrong tell me and I'll change it.

*3rd Person*

Johnny cried in Mick's arms after confessing about being gay he felt a weight being lift off his shoulders his Dad had accepted him for who he is and will always will be. but there was still something left to be said so he sat up to face his father.

"Dad there's something else something worse but i don't know if i can tell ya" he started

"what is it son" Mick asked he wasn't sure if he could take anymore braking news.

"i can't it's not mine to tell" once he said that he thought to Mia his little Princess and how she reacted to what Nancy said earlier. how could he be so blind.

"it's true what Nancy said about her as well isn't it" Johnny said nothing because as he said it's not his secret to tell.

"listen to me not matter what you are still my son and i love ya. now tidy yourself up I'm going to find Mia alright" Johnny nodded in understanding it wasn't only him that needed his Dad. Johnny got up and left first going to his room. and Mick grabbed his jacket and left in search for his daughter.


i was sat on the swing looking down at the ultrasound it was hardly anything to see but it was still a part of me. i heard footsteps and i hid the picture in my pocket. Dad came round the corner and stopped.

"there you are, I've been looking all over for you" he came over and sat on the swing next to me. we sat in silence until he spoke.

"you know when you and Johnny were tiny and all wired up i never thought i feel like that again. you barely weighed anything and you were so small. Your Mum made a promise to Johnny and i made one to you that you would have the best of everything, now look at you one half of the Caters going to Uni" i didn't say anything

"what happened Mia" i looked at him and sniffed.

"It was the night i was coming over from Tina's and Zsa Zsa's place when i was sixteen it was only a 10 minute walk remember" he nodded "i was five minutes away when i heard someone following me. the fact that it was cold and reminded me of a horror movie didn't help, anyway they got faster and before i knew it i was being pulled into a alley he told me to shut up and not make a sound. But i being a Daddy's girl fought back.

it wasn't enough though he injected me with something and i went down. he started..." i making gestures because it was too hard to say.

"when it was over i was a wrack and he slapped me before getting up and leaving. it took me hours to move or feel anything but when i did i called Nancy and she came. when she found me it... she got me to hospital and i told her what happened. i was to scared to tell anyone else, she wanted to know who dunnit but if i said his name i don't think i would ever come back."

"you know who did that to you. Mia who did this" i shook my head

"i was hard saying it once don't think i could do it again. you know the rest of the hospital drama." he made me sit on his lap.

"how did Johnny find out?" he wondered

"overheard some of mine and Nancy's conversation. i had gained the courage to tell her who did it and i was in tears when she yelled and called me a liar even saying i made it up seen i was so keen to tell the police i was mugged. Johnny came in and asked what the hell was going on. i had to tell him he was my twin and i didn't feel right."

"oh Princess" he hugged me but then i pulled it away.

"oh it gets worse much worse" i laughed bitterly

"what do you mean. " i went into my jacket and pulled out the ultra sound, i handed it to him and he looked at it.

"you were pregnant" i nodded

"yep when i found out i was mortified. i didn't want any of this, kept going on and on why me? what did i do? i had to be sure so i made a appointment when it came up on the screen i melted literally. in that moment i didn't care how it came to be. All that mattered is that i was gonna make something of myself to make sure it had everything i did and more no matter how much of a scumbag its father was." i wiped my nose.

"you didn't get rid of it?" i shook my head

"nah. little did i know that i was being watch and when i was on my way back to tell you everything and i mean everything i saw him again. he knew about what was growing inside of me. and you know what he did...he beat me up he and his friends had at it. i was 'mugged' for a second time. it was what one two days that i started and i knew i just knew i miscarried." i broke down, Dad got up and hugged me tight. After all this time he knew the truth.

"shush everything's okay"

"Dad" i said pulling away and wiping my eyes.

"I'm fine now everything's okay. some are not as fortunate as me to have a family like i have and they don't say word but i kinda did and whether you knew it or not you all helped me...well not Nancy. But that is not the point. i was lucky enought to start building everything back up." i told him.

"this will stay in the family won't it. i don't want anyone else knowing." he nodded

"of course Princess

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