Chapter Twelve

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"that is a disgusting thing to say" Mum said after a couple minutes of silence. i was in shock i can't believe what she just said.

"I'm not gay, I'm not" i heard Johnny but my eyes were focused sourly on Nancy

"of course you're not sausage" Mum replied

"Mia...Mia" i broke away to look at Dad

"she's lying like always" i lied shrugging my shoulders. before grabbing Johnny's hand he squeezed it.

"of course she is, your just trying to turn this away from you. at first we get deceit now lies" Mum shouted.

"tell them you're lying Nance" i ordered her.

"tell 'em" Johnny shouted she stuttered

"it's not true he's not gay a she wasn't raped"

"alright this stops now. we have a bar full of customers down there" Dad stood up finally taking charge.

"ah yeah worry about your precious pub don't worry about my feelings" Nancy commented

"what about Johnny and Mia's feelings" Mum shouted

"I'm sorry yeah. i was trying to hurt you, i was just being stupid" she apologised

"you better watch your mouth girl...come on" Mum lead me and Johnny out  i was still holding onto Johnny's hand. my deepest and darkest secret was just yelled at my parents.

"you take no notice of her, you know what's she's like she lashes out when she know she's in the wrong" Mum stroked our faces and we went behind the bar.

"you alright" Dad asked coming back we nodded and we went to serve a customer.

"i can't believe that just happened." i mumble

"yeah. you alright"  he asked me

"i should be asking you that question, but yeah I'm fine." he smiled

"I'm fine too." i grabbed a small glass and got some whiskey before downing it.

"like Mums says its show time" i went back to doing my job. Whitney came in and Johnny took her to the side and began talking i brought them drinks before i went to filing my nails. i felt a nudge it was Shirley. she did the same to Tina.

"last week...i saw him" looking over at Johnny "kissing him over there" she nodded to another bloke who was watching my twin and Whitney. i didn't like the look of him and there was something off.

"awh maybe he is gay after all. i tell you what when he comes out we'll throw him a party yeah" we smiled at Tina. they talk some more before she got up to leave they exchanged words and she smiled sadly before leaving.

"Johnny" the man called before tapping his glass.

"Shirley, what's his name" i asked

"Danny, why?" she replied

"there is something off about him and i don't like it." Johnny came back and i went over as he left with Mum

"Danny isn't it...I'm Mia" i held out my hand. he shook it.

"look I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I've seen the way you look at my brother and i also know your type so you go anywhere near him I'll have your head on a silver platter do we understand each other" i said in a deadly tone i was not about to have my brother hurt on my watch.

"crystal" i stood up and went upstairs

"Nancy was right you are her favourite" Dad joked i grabbed some crisps.

"just because i made him a sandwich" Mum protested

"Mum he was joking." i ate my crisp and


"you going to talk to Nancy" Dad asked

"yeah I'll talk to her later, she's in her room" Mum replied

"best she stays up here for the rest of the day." Dad brushed his hands

"she wouldn't of made it up. you know being touched " Johnny defended her typical although not surprising anymore.

"she make up lies about both of you and you stand up for her. it's nice to know i brought at least one of you up right." she fixed his shirt.

"what am i the furniture" i held out my hands

"of course not sweetheart both of you are perfect" she pinched my cheek

"i of course had nothing to do with it."

"yes, yes we all know your the best parent in the world. better make sure your sister haven't frightened away all the customers" Mum left

"Johnny" Dad started he was trying to talk to him about what Nancy said.

"i better get started all those boxes to unpack" Johnny left and he turned to me. no i was not going there.

"I'm going out for a bit these bar fumes can get to ya" i went into my bedroom to get my jacket when i stopped. i sighed, i crouched down to search under my before pulling out a box. i opened it and grabbed a few things before shoving it back under my bed and headed out.

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