First encounter

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The horse trotted forward,his large, rou d hooves clomping against the trail. My cloak floated around me, the rain splattering down, plastering my ash brown waves to my face. Thunder boomed and Thunder snow quivered beneath me.

"It's alright big guy. Steady on."

I had just come from a meeting with Lord Elrond and Lady Gladriel when I heard a yell.

"Help!" It scremaed."Kili! Fili! Thorin!"

What is that? I asked Thunder Snow

My stallion snorted. What is that? A dying Orc?

I nudge his sides, and Snow takes off toward the sound. As we get closer loud,shrill shrieks ring in our ears.

What is that horrid noise! I say, covering my ears with my hands tightly

Thunder Snow pinned his ears. Spiders! He whinnied

The heavy voice called again. Suddenly Thunder switched gaits and halts.

Fight with fire, young Dragon. Thunder said. I will go find the wizard.

I hopped down and put my cloak on the saddle horn. Thunder left me with my sword and bow. I ran towards the sound, my hunting boots slipping in the mud. As I came into view I saw a thick,and dwarf smashing at a spider the size of Thunder.

"Dwarf," I said in amusment as I watched intently

He spun around, his big battle ax lowered to the ground his face dotted with black ichor.

"Who are you?" He hissed in a deep voice

I leveled the Eleven sword in my hand, nearing him.

He pointed in threateningly at me.

Then it happens again. A spider leapt from the brush.

"Snap out of it you little worm! Fight!" I commanded as the spider skreed at the large Dwarf

"Stab them near the head." I say as the spider jumps

The tip of the blade drags down his abdomen as the Dwarf hacks away.

As this one dies, another comes out from the left.

Every moment ticks by as they swarm closer. A jet of venom hits my back and I yelp.

I have to do it.

Do it My dragon says

So I nod and look up at the hobbit quickly."Get ready!"

The lumbering Dwarf nods.

I let my second form take over.

Kili POV

We ran through the brush and break through, finally spotting Dwalin But he was surrounded by Spiders. Hundreds.

And they were not alone.

A girl, a very beautiful one at that was fighting. She dropped an Elven blade and suddenly was growing.

I watched in amazement as her muscles thickened, neck and snout growing. The popping of bones dislocating filled the air, and long wings sprouted from her shoulders. And Fili gasped.

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