stars in dark nights (sousoua)

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stars in dark nights

Stop and look around you once in a while

The beauty that surrounds you will lighten up your mind.

As the peace of nature starts to seep in

Reminding you that it isn't that dark

-Stop and look around you once in a while-

Infinite voices will calm your mind.

No matter how gloomy nature can seem

Don't hate it for being empathetic

As it cries and yells for those hiding their pain.

Rains, hurricanes: they beautify the world...

Know -always- this is where you belong

Nature is what you're made of: this is your home

In your darkest times and the brightest, it would -always-

Give you hope; and in the darkest of all

Hear your every thought

Telling you: "it's alright- you're not alone- darkness is beautiful too!"

So stop and look around you"Once in a while"

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