part 17

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Niall wraps me up in a blanket. Holding my like I'm the only thing that mattered in his life. People may disagree about out relationship or me even being with Niall. He showed me love before I never had or anyone has given to me. And I was just not gonna let me mom ruin my life because she's sad because she never wanted me. Ever. She was always being mean to me and I heard her once when I was little saying that to my dad that she wishes that I was never born. She broke some bottle, I Remember. It was horrible. But Niall my side I felt invisible. No one in the whole world could hurt me or me and nialls relationship.

I just cried for hours and felt very horrible the next day. I was throwing up. I was stressed and when I am stressed I throw up. But I haven't gotten that sick In a while. Maybe I should go to the doctors.

Author note

I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I am officially in high school for a couple of months and it has been crazy. I am so sorry I kinda forgot about this little community that I have been neglating for some time now. So I am now going to be more active and interact with you. So right in the comments. Hey I'm ______ I'm from ------- and I like.

Just so I can know y'all better.

Thank you for reading.


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