The Siblings Face Erica's Half

Start from the beginning


Cyn: Erica *holding both her cheeks* today you get the answers you want. Erica you gained siblings and a father who is a huge star in his own right. You may not know who your mother is but today that will change and baby girl that what makes Erica Jasmine Mena.....Erica motheringfucking Jasmine Mena

Erica:*crying and laughing and wiping her eyes*

Cyn: I love you babe forever and always

Erica: I love you too *kissing Cyn*

Sonia:*walking out the room* Erica you ready to.....Cyn

Cyn: Hey ma Sonia

Sonia: What are you doing here baby girl

Cyn: Erica needed me and I wanted to be here for her

Brian: Well we are glad you came

Cyn: Before y'all leave can I do something right quick

Sonia: Sure baby.....We will be in the car waiting *walking out the room with Brian*

Erica: What is it babe

Cyn: Sit down right quick Erica *sits and pats the sofa*

Erica:*sits down* What's going on babe

Cyn:*holding Erica's hand* I want you to make a promise to me that when we go over there that you will have a open heart and mind to receive whatever info that comes your way about your mother whether it's good or bad. Promise me that you will not fight anyone because you and I both know I will put my fucking foot in someones ass when it comes you and our kids. Promise me that you will ask questions if you don't know the answer because knowing you and knowing that you have questions and never asking makes me wonder are you really getting it....Promise Erica

Erica: I promise babe *kissing Cyn* 

Cyn: Damn babe you must want another child 

Erica: Hell yeah *laughing* Right now I like the three we have 

Cyn: Yeah me too *smiling* Let's get out of here *standing up and holding Erica's hand* You ready babe 

Erica: Ready as I'll ever be *sighs and walks out the room with Cyn* 

*meanwhile with Eric* 

Asia: Babe Sonia texted me and said they are on the way here 

Eric: Okay babe 

Asia: I think today will go better than last night 

Eric: I hope so babe 

Asia: Everyone is just in shock that's all babe 

Eric: Well now they know and the shock has worn off 

Asia: She's your oldest babe and they have to understand you had a life before me or the kids came 

Eric: Erica's mom was my life *sitting down* Not gonna lie to you babe. She was my whole world and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I was in love but we were battling her parents and my people telling me not to date a black woman but I didn't see color when I was dating her. I saw my best friend in the world. Jasmine was everything to me and when she left me and Erica I didn't know where I would be now if it wasn't for my sis Sonia and Brian taking her in and letting me do my thing to make a living 

Asia: She was your first real love Eric so don't beat yourself up because of what happened to her. She died giving birth to your first born child and things like that happens but we can't control what happens when women deliver 

If Loving You is Wrong Part 2Where stories live. Discover now