The Siblings Face Erica's Half

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*the next day*

Everything was shot to hell last night. Things like this takes time and considering everything that has happened I think everyone needs some time to think about some things. This morning I woke up in a different mind set and the only thing I was missing was my baby Cyn and my amazing kids. I really wish she was here because I need my sanity right now. Right now I am talking to my parents and seeing if they want to stay or just leave but my best bet if I want the answers I need then I should stay but them siblings of mine I just don't know. WHERE IS MY BABY WHEN I NEED HER

Sonia: So what are you thinking Erica *sitting next to Erica*

Erica:*sighs* I don't know I mean I want to know who my mother was and Eric is my best bet but what if he isn't as forward with me then what 

Sonia: If you want to go over there and get those answers then let's go otherwise let it go mija 

Brian: It's up to you Erica *sitting next to Erica on the couch*

Erica: I deserve that much *looks at both her parents*

Sonia: Then we will go back and talk things out and whatever the outcome is then it's that 

Erica: I wish Cyn was here *walks over to the balcony* Having her here would mean the world to me. She's my sanity and if I'm going to make it through this then I need her here with me *stares out into the ocean*

Sonia: Well she knows you need this and wants you to have that unanswered question answered

Erica: That's true

Brian: You still have us *walking over to where Erica is*

Erica: That means the world to me too but I just don't know 

Sonia: Brian let's go and let Erica think about some things *walks to the door* I love you mija always remember that 

Brian: Alright babe *walks from Erica and turns* Erica Sonia and I love you and we didn't want to hurt you. We only wanted what's best for you but you need this and we love you no matter what *walking out the room*

Erica:*gazes out at the ocean* It's so peaceful here

*knock on the door*

Erica:*snaps out of her thoughts*

*knock on the door*

Erica: Go away

*knock on the door*

Erica: I said go away

*knock on the door* 

???: Room Service

Erica: Room service I never ordered room service *walks to the door and opened the door*

Cyn: Hey baby mama *smiling*

Erica: BABY!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Cyn very tight*

Cyn: I can't breathe babe *laughing*

Erica: Sorry babe *let's go* I can't believe you are here

Cyn: I knew something was wrong and you needed me

Erica: I am glad you are here

Cyn:*walks in the room* So what's going

Erica: Last night was a disaster so this morning we are going back over there

Cyn: You know I am here for you and babe the answers you wanted are finally getting answered

Erica: Having you here now makes it a whole lot better

Cyn: Well Erica I am your wife and the mother of your beautiful and awesome kids and knowing you for as long as I have and knowing what you are capable of makes being here easier for me. Listen babe *holding her hands* you have been through so much in your life. For once in your life you deserve a bit of happiness. I know me and the kids are your happiness but babe there's something deeper in you that you have longed for and it's finally happening. Sonia and Brian raised an awesome and caring and amazing woman that I see today and being your wife and the mother of your kids makes me smile. Erica God put you through some shit because he saw fit but baby you keep coming out of it stronger every single time

If Loving You is Wrong Part 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ