Chapter 1

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I wake up. I close my eyes. I cannot picture. Not today. Because today is nothing but harsh reality. Start of my junior year at high school. And I know it will be terrible. Mom gently knocks on my door. But she doesn't want to be gentle. She is only gentle so she doesn't wake up my dad who won't hesitate to beat her up. "Get out. " she hisses and tiptoes away. I sigh. I move. I shower. I change. I leave. I do not eat in our house. I begin the long walk to school. I know for sure I will arrive just as the halls fill up. Then they will hurt me. Like they always do. My sister Nicole is a senior. She's beautiful and popular and she's admired by everyone. If she told them to stop tormenting me they would. But she doesn't. Because to her, I mean less than a speck of dust on her Jimmy Choos. I walk in. And the halls fall silent. I duck my head and speed walk to get to my locker. No such luck. I just arrive when they appear in front of me. Nicole Montaine, Tanya Brown and Rosie Thomas. My worst nightmares. Then it starts. "Oohhh did Autumn decide not to kill herself?  What a shame. We'd be a lot happier without you, you know."
I know. Don't worry.
"No one likes you anyway. It must hurt being such a loser."
It does. Too much.
Instead of saying anything back, I ignore them. "Look at me bitch!" Spits Rosie grabbing my shoulders. And she smacks me hard. I crumple to the floor, my cheek stinging. And she kicks me in the stomach. Once. Twice. Countless times and each time I heave and I taste the blood in my mouth.  Nicole walks by without giving me a second glance. The last thing that comes to my head before I black out is
What did I do to make you hate me?
The only problem is, all I'm doing is kidding myself into thinking I don't know.
I wake up in an old store cupboard.  Of course they hid me here. Wouldn't want a teacher to find a student bloodied and passed out in the floor. I take out my phone. And the one thought that goes through my head is just shit. 6pm. I've been here for hours. And school is closed. I'm stuck here. And Mom is going to be beat me up worse than anyone else can.  The pain. It's bad. It's not physical. And at this moment I want to die. And I figure who would miss me if I did? I know In most cases people would miss others but not mine. My mom hates me. My dad hates me. My sister hates me. The people at school hate me. My teachers hate me. So who would miss me. I picture a room of people. The ones who would miss me. The room is empty. So I begin. A store cupboard should have rope, right?

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