Optimus pulled out my driveway and started to drive back toward base. I crossed my arms and laid back against the seat. "Well?" I asked after an uncomfortable silence. "Why do you need me?" "Because," was Optimus' only response. I rolled my eyes. "Because why?" I pressed.

"Because Ratchet found some new information about your gift," Optimus said. I sighed. "Forget it," I snapped. "My symbols are not going to come back anytime soon. So you and Doc-Bot might as well just drop it." Optimus was quiet. "I'm not giving up on you," he finally said. "You're my charge. Do you think I would let you go around town, sulking because you lost your gift? No. I wouldn't do that because I want to help you. Please." I froze, surprised. Optimus had never been furious at me! But I guess he did care about me. "Ok," I said, turning my head to look out the window. "I'll let you help me, even though it's pointless." Optimus didn't speak.

Optimus' POV

I didn't mean to sound mean to her. But I really did mean what I said. I cared about Amanda, and I wouldn't let her sit around and sulk. I wanted to help her, more than anything in the world.

Amanda didn't speak to me after that while I drove. Grace tried to spring a conversation every few minutes, but me nor Amanda were in the chatting mood. I tried to focus on driving and remembering the path to base, but my mind kept drifting back to Amanda. I really did hope Ratchet finds a cure for her. At least he found something that might give Amanda hope.

While driving, I felt something fidgeting with my radio. I turned my review mirror to see Grace messing around with the radio. She grinned as she landed on a pop song station. Softly, she began to sing. But what really caught my attention was that Amanda started to sing! Her voice was beautiful, and sweet. I was surprised that she even sang. She was usually quiet.

Grace's singing faltered away so she can here Amanda sing. Amanda sang slow, but she quicken up to match her voice with the one on the radio. She seemed calm, and relaxed, which made me relax. I listened to her sing while I drove near the Autobot base. I drove though the familiar tunnels with the dim light above. I turned off the song as I neared the others. "Aww!" Grace  pouted. "Turn it on!" "Grace," Amanda said firmly. "The other Autobots may be powered down." "Powered down?" Grace said, cocking her head. Amanda sighed and muttered to me, "You need to tell her everything about the 'cons and the 'bots, K?" I murmured an agreement.

I pulled into base, Ratchet the only one there. He turned to watch us. I open my doors and the girls climbed out. Making sure that Grace hadn't climb back in (I did not want her to end up in my chest), I transformed and walked over to Ratchet. Grace bounced up the steps toward the human area. But Amanda held back and followed me over to Ratchet. I decided it was ok for her to remain down next to us and not up near the human area.

"Any new information, Ratchet?" I asked. Ratchet shook his helm. "None," he said. But he brightened slightly and turned to look down at Amanda. She held his gaze and crossed her arms. "Well? What do you want to tell me that's so important it couldn't wait till later in the morning?" Ratchet sighed and muttered something I couldn't catch.

He spoke up. "I did some researching and tests on your vision. I think your symbols will come back to you soon," he said. Amanda raised an eyebrow. "You think? You're not sure?" She asked. Ratchet tensed. I did, too. He dare step on my charge...wait, why was I now getting overprotective? I shook my helm. Not the time right now.

Ratchet slowly nodded. "Yes, I think. I'm still working to find out the truth, ok?" He spat. Amanda was quiet before saying quietly, "What if I don't want to know?" "What?" Surprised, Ratchet and me both glanced at each other, then down at Amanda. "What makes you think that?" Ratchet asked. Amanda shrugged and I saw a few tears roll down her cheeks. "I just...I'm certain that my symbols will never come back," she said so quietly I barely made out what she said. I glanced at Ratchet. He seemed as surprised as I did.

"Oh, well..." Ratchet awkwardly ad he scratched the back of his helm. We both fell silent before Ratchet said, "I'll...I'll tell you if I find anything, ok Amanda?" She nodded, but more tears crowded her eyes. "Can I...be excused from base?" She asked. Ratchet silently nodded. Amanda turned and ran down the tunnel that led outside of base. I sighed and gazed at Ratchet. He said nothing, instead retuning back to his work.

I looked after the tunnel and for a minute, I thought of running after Amanda. But I shot the idea down. She wanted to be by herself. I walked over to the human area and watched Grace play her video game. But my mind kept drifting back to Amanda, and for some reason the 'cons. It hadn't occurred to me that I wasn't paying any attention to 'con activity. I was pondering about my charge most of the time.

My gaze shifted to the tunnel. Before I knew what I was doing, I transformed and drove silently down the tunnel after Amanda.

Counting Symbols (A Transformers Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora