Confession under the stars

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"Hey! Eunhye! Wait for me!" The short boy with flat black hair was running after me, panting hysterically.
"You're too slow Sanha!" I shouted back, giggling inanely as I slowed down. Sanha had placed one of his hands firmly on my shoulder, spinning me around to face him, "what is it?" I asked quizzically.
"Promise me something," he started, looking me in the eyes. His warm brown orbs whirled their way into my heart, creating an unknown feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Anything for you Sanha!" I said brightly.
"Promise me we will always remain friends... until the day we die!" He widened his eyes more, sticking his pinky finger out after I nodded.
As our pinky fingers intertwined, that connection was forever sealed; and I would never forget those words.
"Song Eunhye!" An abrasive voice sliced its way through my ears as I was brought back to the miserable reality of school, "it would be much appreciated if you could remain part of this realm for at least one of my lessons!" Mrs Lee slammed her hand on my desk as I straightened my position, my insides shaking.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I spoke with minute volume so that she could barely hear me. But even my tiniest of voices could be picked up by Mrs Lee's ears.
"Let's hope you are sorry; nonetheless, there's someone at the door with a letter for you," with that she walked back to the front of the class and continued teaching.
I sighed to myself and walked to the door, seeing one of the prefects. He stood with a snobby stance whilst glaring down at me.
"Is there a letter for me?" I asked brightly, trying to appear as friendly as possible.
"Yes, it's a letter informing you of your class transfer," he handed me the letter elegantly before continuing, "you are to make your way to the class immediately," with no further ado, he turned on his heel and glided down the hallway. Reading the necessary information, I collected my bag and equipment, before exiting the room. My daydream clouded my head, and I exhaled a deep breath, wondering at how I and my childhood friend had become detached when we reached middle school. That promise distinctly ate its way through my head and I somehow became sad.
Reaching the expected classroom, I slid the door open with a struggle. Everyone's head clicked in my direction with one swift motion, and I suddenly felt intimidated.
"Ah, are you Song Eunhye who's been transferred from her class?" A friendly man welcomed me as I was guided to the middle of the classroom. With a nod he continued, "everyone say hello to Eunhye."
Everyone stood from their chairs and greeted me, one particular figure poking out above everyone's heads especially catching my attention. Is that who I think it is?
"You may now take your seat next to Yoon Sanha," the teacher pointed to the desk at the back next to the boy who'd caught my eye. So it is him then...
I cautiously made my way to the back of the classroom, expecting him to completely forget who I am... however, I was pleasantly surprised.
"Oh my goodness! Eunhye! It's you!" He beamed and embraced me in a tight hug.
"S-sanha..." I stuttered, managing to pull off a weak smile.
"You don't understand how much I've missed you!" He grinned inanely, revealing some newly put braces.
"Haha, we're in the same school. How could you miss me?"
"You're in a different class from me! And I'm always catching up on work so I can't see you at break or lunch!" He whined. I inspected every inch of him, noticing his hair colour had changed to a golden blonde, looking much like a bowl of noodles that had been plopped on his head. He'd of course grown much taller than I remembered, and seemed a completely new person.
"You've completely changed Sanha," I mused whilst laying my equipment out on my desk.
"I know!" He said proudly, puffing his chest out, "but not that much. You're still small though, so now I can be the one to protect you."
"Pft, protect me? What are you on about? And what do you mean small?!" I spluttered, smacking his arm playfully.
"Exactly what I mean; now that you're in my class we're going to spend a lot of time together!"
Just as he said, we ended up spending a lot of our time together, catching up on various topics and interests. I learned that he had learnt to play the guitar and sing, which wasn't surprising as that's all he wanted to do when he was little. I'd ended up making him a small pack lunch every day, along with some homemade cookies; it brought back memories of when we used to make food together in his mums kitchen.
With him now being an absolute giant, I felt extra tiny than I already was, not helping but feeling odd walking beside him more often than usual. I even got the scary glares from other girls.
One day after school, he bounded up to me in the most childish manner possible, taking my hands in his, "it says that the stars are going to be really bright today! We should totally go and stargaze," Sanha's little boy voice was hard to refuse, so I agreed with a broad grin stretched across my face. As if a miracle happened, I was now spending time with my childhood friend whom I loved dearly, all the feelings of unexpressed emotions washing over me.
Back at home I scurried around my room, contemplating what I should wear. Why the hell do I feel so nervous?!
I kept opening and closing my wardrobe door, clenching my fists together and tapping my head with them.
"Think Eunhye! Think for god sake!" I spat through gritted teeth, "if I don't wear something nice, then I won't be able to impress Sanha, but then if I go too overdressed he'll be put off by it," biting at my knuckles I decided on a light pink summer dress, tying half of my hair up in the process. I stood in front of the mirror and sighed, "can't I just grow a few centimetres already?!"
Packing some light snacks I waited patiently until the doorbell rang. I leapt off the kitchen chair and skipped to the door, swinging it open to reveal a giant who was adorably biting his bottom lip.
"Hello Sanha!" I beamed, closing the door behind me.
"Wow, you look so cute!" He clasped his hands together before pinching my cheeks. I was about to protest, but seeing his braces glint off his teeth as he smiled, I couldn't possibly be frustrated.
Grabbing my hand, he tugged me down the street in a fast manner, as I pathetically dangled behind him like a rag doll.
Finally slowing down, we reached an isolated part of the park, where a lonely tree stood in the middle of a vast stretch of grass.
"Wow, this is really nice," I whispered.
"I'm glad you like it! Come on, let's sit down before it gets too dark!" Sanha exclaimed and pulled me so we were under the tree, "the grass seems soft enough to sit on."
Sitting on the grass munching away at the food I prepared, we talked about the past and what bizarre things we were up to, resulting in us clasping our stomachs with laughter. I couldn't help but feel a warm sprout of happiness grow inside me, thinking how lucky I am to have been moved to Yoon Sanha's class.
"Eunhye?" Sanha's voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Yes?" I asked, turning to face him.
"Remember that promise we made when we were younger; when you were running ahead of me and I had to stop you?"
"Of course."
"I still mean it..."
"So do I..." I smiled cutely and looked up at the sky, "I'm happy we were brought together again."
I heard a shuffling noise and turned my head back in Sanha's direction to see him moving closer to me, until he was sitting opposite me, cross-legged, staring deep into my eyes.
Holding my hands he said, "you don't know how much you mean to me. I wish we could've remained close instead of being separated; it made me upset to think that I may not get to spend time with you every day."
"Hey that's okay you -"
"It's not okay for me... you see; you were the closest person to me," his gaze wandered off to my lips for some reason, and I could feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach, "you always took care of me, always played with me, always helped me... and most of all you kept smiling for me. Even if something was wrong you still kept happy, and... and I really missed that when we entered middle school, because I never got to experience those things ever again." For some reason there was a tugging feeling in my gut, and I felt a pang of sad emotion crush me.
"W-well at least we've been brought together now," I whimpered, failing miserably to contain my cracking voice.
"I want to make sure it stays that way," Sanha sniffled, he looked up again, gazing deep into my eyes whilst edging closer. My heart hit my rib cage and I didn't know what to expect next.
Our faces were inches apart until Sanha scrunched up his face, taking numerous short breaths until releasing a cute sneeze. That was till a long string of snot shot out of his nose.
I instantly burst out laughing, casting aside the seriousness of the whole conversation; it was disgusting, but it was Sanha disgusting, and he always managed to make it into something hilarious.
"Ew, get a tissue Sanha!" I exclaimed and smacked his arm. He was laughing too, and boy was that the sweetest melody that came to my ears.
"I'm sorry, sorry!" He exclaimed, shaking my arms and pouting.
We ended up laying down and watching the stars in awe, admiring each of their arrangements. Sanha even named some constellations and described what each one of them meant.
It went quiet, but it wasn't an awkward quiet; it was just a silence that allowed us to relax and gather our thoughts. And honestly, this had to be one of the best memories I'd have...
"Eunhye?" Sanha questioned again.
"Do you know that you were my first love?"
My heart seized for a moment; creating this whole other feeling in my body. What on earth...
"You still are..." he continued, not allowing me to process the words he'd announced previously. Rolling my body to the left, I was greeted by Sanha's globe like eyes looking into mine, deep and intently.
"Yoon Sanha..." I breathed.
Despite it being dark, I swore I could see a pink tint touch his cheeks as he nervously looked down. I giggled lightly, continuing to admire every feature that was chiselled onto this perfect, embarrassed face. Suddenly he looked up, a different emotion glazing his eyes... as if he wanted something.
Continuing to stare into each other's eyes, we found ourselves just millimetres apart until I could feel his breath softly touch my lips. Oh my goodness, is he going to do what I think he's going to do?
All of a sudden I could feel the soft plumpness of Sanha's lips, gently pressed against mine, my eyes stayed open for a few seconds, seeing how his eyes creased when he closed them. Not long after I closed mine too, feeling Sanha's hand gently creep up to the side of my face to deepen the kiss that sent my stomach into spasms.
Gently moving his lips against mine I felt as if I'd run out of breath any minute, and thankfully he felt the same. We broke apart, taking deep breaths. Looking at each other we both chuckled.
"I'm a cutie," Sanha giggled, before laying on his back and pulling me towards him, protectively wrapping his long, lanky arm around my petite self. We gazed at the stars, thinking about what had just happened, sharing occasional laughs, only to return to silence by once again admiring the phenomenal beauty of the brightly shining stars.
A/N: Woo, well that's the youngest member complete! I'm not exactly an obsessed Astro fan, yet I can be sometimes.
I was in the mood to write something cute and fluffy, so I decided that Astro could fulfil that adorableness.
I wrote this on behalf of my friend Evie, because by god is she obsessed with Sanha! We discussed what the main plot is and what would happen, so EVIE! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS!
I also hope that you guys enjoy this, comment if you think I could improve parts of my writing. I'm not exactly popular on here... but I hope to be soon. If you're a BTS fan, I don't know if you want to check out my BTS fan fiction on here (which is currently unfinished as I have writers block) but please do anyway, because I feel like it's declining in popularity... not like it was that popular anyway but oh well!
I shall be writing one shots for all of the other Astro members in age order so keep and eye out and enjoy!

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