Chapter III

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Minerva had only just managed to get the count of the number of people who had died, when the silver stag bounded in. She immediately gave it her full attention - not just because this was Harry's Patronus and therefore important, but it also brought back painful memories of a certain other person who had been on her mind almost constantly throughout the entire battle.

Hermione and Ron had just finished explaining everything to a Hall full of people - including all the Professors, the Weasleys, the remaining Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix, and mostly Gryffindors from their year - when the stag had arrived, followed by another.

The first stag cantered up to Minerva and spoke in Harry's voice: "There will be something unbelievable happening soon. Please call Ron, Hermione and the Weasleys to your office at the earliest opportunity. I assure you that whoever arrives is genuine, and not part of a Death Eater regime."

Though it was evident that she hadn't understood a word of what he had said, she immediately rose and made her way to the office that had once been Dumbledore's. All the portraits looked at her with warmth and compassion, and everyone but Phineas looked mightily relieved.

Not long after the first stag and Minerva had disappeared, the second stag gamboled up to Ron and Hermione, beginning to speak, once again Harry's voice. "Please go up to Professor McGonagall's office right away. Ron, take Ginny, your parents and your brothers as well. Hermione, get Neville and Luna as well."

They looked at each other, before turning, making to sprint away but there was no need. Neville limped over, still holding the bloody Sword of Gryffindor in one hand, the other was draped around Luna's shoulders, while she held a pack of Bubotuber pus to her face. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had also bustled over, looking for Ron no doubt, with George, Bill, Fleur, Charlie and Percy following close on their heels. Ginny pushed through the crowd, her face blotched, before throwing her arms around Ron first, then strangling Hermione in the same manner.

"Let's go," Ron said, as he hugged his mother. "Let's go, Harry told us to go to McGonagall's office, it's got to be important." But even he felt apprehensive, he dreaded what they were going to find. The last time they let Harry make a decision, he had nearly died. What if this time, he really did die? It was just past an hour since he had completely disappeared from the castle.

"I'm coming as well, if you don't mind," Kingsley put in. Even he was badly bruised. "As the new Minister for Magic, whatever you're going to see is not going to be good, so I'll be there. You don't need anymore fingers pointed at you than you already have right now, I presume?"

"Thank you, Kingsley," Arthur said, as they all rushed to the golden gargoyle. 

Minerva seemed to be at a loss for words. Her eyes raised sharply when Neville, Luna and Kingsley entered, but Hermione shook her head, also fearful of speaking. They all settled down around the office. Minerva, of course, had been named Headmistress, so she was in her rightful place. Kingsley took up a seat in one of the rosewood chairs across the desk, and Arthur took the other. Mrs. Weasley sank down into one of the chintz armchairs, with Ginny sprawled across her, both still crying silently. Percy sat at one end of a purple couch, with one arm around George, who had buried his head in the older man's chest. Charlie had flopped down beside George. Bill and Fleur were holding hands, in another chintz armchair, Fleur's head on Bill's shoulder. Ron and Hermione had settled on the opposite purple couch, along with Neville and Luna.

Minerva quickly explained what Harry's Patronus had said to her. No one said anything. It was almost as if they didn't register what was happening. Then Hermione gasped.

"He's alive! He's - he's still alive!" she cried. "He sent that Patronus, he's alive!"

Just like that, the tension alleviated. George never looked up, but Percy felt his sigh of relief. However, the comfortable silence didn't last too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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