The Fat King

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     Everyone is rushing about trying to prepare for the King's arrival. I scoffed at the running hand maids. Why was everyone in such a rush for some drunk king? I walk through Winterfell with everyone on edge. The excitement filled the air. I could tell ,however, that my father was particularly nervous. I was going to have to leave home. He was going to have to separate his family. Bran, Sansa, Arya, and I were to go to King's  Landing with Father while Robb and Rickon stay with Lady Stark. The family was going to be separated.
     I walk into a room where Robb, Jon, and Theon are shirtless and Robb is getting shaved.
     "Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?" Jon asked.
     "It's for the Queen I bet," Theon says.
     " I hear the prince is a right ole prick," Robb says.
     "Hello boys," I say as they all jump a bit.
     "You're not supposed to be in here ,Lyarra," Jon says.
     "Calm down ,Jon." I say. "Besides I've seen more of you and Robb besides your bare little chests."
     "Careful now ,Sister," Robb warns,"we all know how Theon wants you."
     "Like I'd ever lay with him." I say. "I don't lay with whore fuckers."
     "And how do you know I fuck whores?" Theon asks.
     "Also," Jon says, "how do we know you don't lay with those sorts of people? You've never lain with anyone."
     "Well, I won't be a virgin for long because if you take the black, I'll become a whore in King's Landing," I explain. Jon has a shocked look on his face.
     "On about that again are we ,Lyarra?" Robb says as he stands up with his face completely shaved."How about, you two can talk this over again after Jon gets a haircut." Jon scowls. He hates cutting his hair. "Come on Tommy shear him good," Jon sits down in front of the barber, "he's never met a girl he likes more than his own hair." We all laugh except for Jon, who looks miserable.
  Everyone one is rushing to their places to see the king. Bran said he saw them coming from when he is climbing. Lady Catelyn of course made him promise to stop climbing ,but we all know that he won't stop. I stand in my place beside Jon and Theon, behind the rest of the Stark family. We don't get to stand with them because we're bastards. I notice that Arya isn't with the family. I mouth to Jon 'where's Arya' and he simply shrugs. I can hear the King's horses not to far away. I bite my lip. Where is Arya? Suddenly, I see her running towards us with a knight's helmet on. Father quickly takes the helmet off the young tomboy and Arya takes her place in the line. In a matter of minutes, the king finally comes into view. A blonde boy smiles down upon us all with an evil look in his eyes. 'This is the prince that Robb said was a prick' I think to myself, 'Joffrey.' I notice that he particularly has his eyes on Sansa. Honestly, he looks more like a girl than a boy.
The king gets off his horse and we all get down on one knee. The king was rather fat. His poor horse had to carry his fat ass around for a month. I spotted a man who's name is Jaime Lannister, the Queen's twin. He sat on his horse with his chin high in the air. They call him the 'Kingslayer' and the 'man without honor'. He looks like a prick too.
King Robert beckons for my Father to stand and we all stand with him.
"You've gotten fat," Robert Baratheon says.
The Queen steps out of her carriage, along with her other two children, Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen. She stood by her twin brother
My father nods his head to the King's own body and they both laugh. I heard Arya whisper 'Where's the imp?' And I smiled to myself. She was referring to Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf. The king hugs Lady Catelyn, shakes Robb's hand, and pats Rickon on the head. He then makes his way to the other children by telling Sansa she's pretty and having Bran show him his muscles. He tells my father that he wants to go down to the crypts, much to Cersei's distaste.
Before Robert's Rebellion, King Robert loved my aunt Lyanna. However, Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped her, raped her, and then killed her. Rhaegar ended up dying in a battle of some sort. That's why King Robert wanted to go to the crypts, to see my aunt.

     "You know if you keep hitting it, it still won't die," I tell Jon who was beating a training dummy with a wooden sword.
     "I'm training," he says gasping for air.
     "I'm training," I mock,"I'm Jon Snow and all I ever do is train, so I feel important."
     "Lyarra," he says seriously.
     "I'm just saying, why don't we go inside and actually eat," I suggest.
     "Lyarra, you know Lay Catelyn won't let us in there," he sighs.
     The whole royal family and the rest of Winterfell were at a feast while Jon and I were forbidden to go in because Lady Catelyn thought we might disgust the king.
     "I know ,but fuck the King," I say.
     "Lyarra!" Jon shouts.
     "God, I want some ale," I groan.
     Jon looks at me surprised,"Since when do you drink?"
     "Don't act so surprised," I say,"I've been drinking for months without you around."
     "Lyarra, you're going to get yourself killed with that attitude of yours," he says continuing to beat the dummy.
     "You're going to get yourself killed if you go to the wall," I whisper.
     He throws down his sword. "Why are you so hung up about this, Lyarra!" He yells.
     "Because my brother is going to get himself killed!" I yell back. "You think that you'll find honor there, but you won't. The wall is full of thieves and rapers ,and you're going to take them as your brothers. You have a family here, in Winterfell. We have just as much Stark blood as any one of them. You think that you and I are less than them ,but we're not. For years you've acted like they've never fed you or they've beaten you. I don't give a damn what Lady Catelyn thinks of us and I never have. I never will." I storm off to my room. He didn't understand it. He couldn't get it through his thick skull. I slam the door to my room as hard as I can. I let the tears roll down my pale cheek. Jon may not get it but I do. Winter is coming.

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