Surprise in Paradise

Start from the beginning

I was floored. I mean I know they're friends, but why were they hanging out & having dinner? It took me a while to fall asleep after that. I had to be on set early, so thankfully, Olivia was still asleep when I left.

John got into Hawaii that evening & I was never so happy to see him in my life. Olivia tried really hard to get me to stay in the room with her. While John was facetiming with Lola, I called Demi. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her voice asking me to leave a message. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but I needed to hear your voice. I love you. Call me, please." I set my phone on the bed beside me, hoping she'd call before I fell asleep. She didn't.

The next two days were the weekend, so I didn't have to be on set, giving me some free time. Olivia came to me Saturday morning, telling me we needed to have some pics taken together. Reluctantly, I agreed. I hadn't heard from Demi, so I figured she'd heard about Olivia being here by now. I thought about trying to call her, while Olivia was getting her crap together, but decided I would wait. John & I were going golfing while Olivia sat in the lounge, then we were going hiking. While we were hiking, Olivia was taking a picture of the view.

"I saw someone up there taking pictures. Put your arm around me." Olivia said as I stood next to her at the railing. I sighed & put my hand on her waist, as lightly as I could. This was ridiculous, but I was doing it for Demi. I didn't want Olivia to slam her to the press or make her out to be a home wrecker. I kept telling myself that all of this over the next day, was for Demi & our future.

It was nice getting away from Olivia once we got back to our hotel. John was talking to Lola again on the phone & I sent Demi a text while I watched tv. "Miss you. Why aren't you calling or texting me back?" I waited a few minutes, but didn't hear back from her. It was in the middle of the night for her, though. I fell asleep while I was waiting for her to reply.

The next morning I woke up when I felt something on my mouth. My eyes snapped open to see Olivia's face an inch from mine, a soft smile on her face. I sat up in a hurry. "Olivia? What are you doing?" I looked around & didn't see John anywhere. "Where's John?"

"He went for a walk. He let me in on his way out."

I wiped my mouth. "Why were you kissing me?" I snapped.

"I miss you." Olivia pouted, batting her lashes. "I thought we could hang by the pool today."

I rolled my eyes. I was so done with this. One more day. Do this for Demi. "Why would we? I mean really, how is us hanging out going to do you any good?"

"I told you. My publicist says it will help me land this job if I am still a hot commodity. If you dump me, I will be nothing again."

Rolling my eyes again, I sighed. "Fine. But don't expect me to look all happy & lovey dovey."

"Will you at least hold my hand?"

"Don't push it, Liv." I got out of the bed & grabbed my clothes before I headed into the bathroom.

I went to the pool with Olivia & I tried to enjoy myself. I finally gave in & stopped being so angry. I tried to have a nice conversation with her. She made me take a photo of her drinking some stupid drink. When we were getting ready to leave, she was sitting on the chair across from me & we were talking. I wasn't happy that soon Demi would see these photos.

"Cheer up. Some guys would kill to be in your shoes right now." Olivia said, a huge smile on her face.

"Speaking of shoes, have you seen my other one?" I asked, ignoring her statement.

Olivia pointed to under my chair behind me & I reached for it. I put my shoe on, then stood up. Olivia stood, too & went to pick up her bag. I had my hand out behind her, ready to reach for my phone on the small plastic table. Little did I know, a photo was being taken at that moment & it would end up looking like I was grabbing or about to grab her ass.

"Hold my hand, while we're walking back to the hotel." Olivia said, under her breath as she flung her bag over her shoulder.

I sighed, taking her hand & pulled her back to the hotel. I couldn't wait to get away from her. I just wanted to take a shower & relax before I had a long day of shooting & training the next day. I still hadn't heard from Demi. I was getting annoyed.... pissed off.... sad.... many emotions. I ended up falling asleep & woke up when I heard my phone ringing in the middle of the night. I answered, my voice barely audible.

"Gonna explain why Olivia is in Hawaii?" Demi was pissed & sounded like she might have been crying.

"I can explain. She promised if I gave her this week of public displays of affection, she'd bow out gracefully. That's all I want. She said she wouldn't make any trouble for me or you. Please don't see any pictures & think they are real, okay?"

I heard her sigh, sounding a little ragged. "So you had to grab her ass?"

"I didn't grab her ass." I sat up in the bed a little straighter. I had been whispering so I wouldn't wake John, but now I got louder.

"I saw the picture, Nick."

"Demi, I didn't grab her ass. I'm sorry if there is a picture that makes it look like I was grabbing her, but I swear to God, I didn't grab anything. I held her hand & put my arm around her waist. That's it. I did it so she would be cool with all this."

"I'm so tired of this." Demi's voice sounded defeated.

"It's almost over. I promise. I heard you & Wilmer had dinner." I said.

"Yea. He was in New York. I still love him & he's still my friend, Nick. He's important to me. He was so supportive of me while I was in rehab & you know that. I won't phase him out of my life."

"It's fine. I wasn't saying anything about it. I know what he means to you & I am grateful for everything he has done for you over the years. I don't want to fight. I love you."

"I love you, too." Demi sighed. "I just don't think this is going to work, Nick. I have a bad feeling that something else is going to keep us from being together."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Let's just cool it for a few weeks until I finish the U.S. tour. When I get back to L.A. we'll talk & figure stuff out."

"I don't want to cool it off."

"We aren't even going to see each other."

"How do you know? I'm hoping to come back to your tour soon. I have some training to do, but I might take a weekend off."

"Whatever. I'm just not into this hiding anymore. We'll never be able to go public...."

"Demi. We will."

"I gotta go to breakfast & then the gym. Talk to you later, Nick." She hung up & I didn't have a chance to convince her that we could go public. There was nothing more that I wanted, than to shout to the world that I was in love with Demi.

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