Questionnaire thing

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I was tagged by @suzliecovermaker in her own questionnaire to complete.

1.) Do you have a crush?
Well... If we are talking celebrities... Yes. I have quite a few of those. Now... Reality? No. No crushes on any people I see on a daily basis.

2.) What is your middle name?
My middle name is Rosette.

3.) How tall are you?
Well erm. Okay. I am over five feet, yet shorter than six feet. 😋

4.) What is your eye color?
My eye color is brown. Almost like... A dark chocolate brown color.

5.) When was the last time you cried?
The last time I genuinely cried was about a month ago.

6.) What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear would have to be being alone. Being completely and utterly alone.

7.) What was the last song you listened to?
The last song I listened to was on the radio. I believe it was "Sign of The Times" by Harry Styles.

8.) Who was the last person you texted?
The last person I texted was not a person. Rather it was a group chat for a math project.

9.) What is your favorite app?
My favorite app would have to be Wattpad.

10.) Tag 20 people. Please do not feel pressured to do this. It is not absolutely necessary at all.
CrazyWarriorGamer ells715 prettyodd_trash GumyBearJoJo isabelleronin @BlueBird229 @KimmyShinez awesomeness7 @thelunarequinox @Poppy202 @theoneandonlygianna @Kawaiikittie sarahorellana03 @ahappyperson7777 @JoWatson_101 @fermatas @kellyottiano @ItsWayPastMyBedtime @latelycrazy @eloquentlove

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