Once of a lifetime

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You might like somebody,
you might be falling in love with someones,
Might be your childhood friends, your high school friends, your neighbor, your next door mate in college, or someone else.
It always could be somebody else.
You also might be falling in love for several time in your life.

But then, the truth might be like this;
you can just fall in love for once of a lifetime, badly. A massive love. For someone, remarkable.
Like a favorite part of your favorite song, a part of your favorite movie, that you'd like to rewind over and over again. It's addictive.

It could be your first love, second, third or your last.
The shame is most people do not notice.
Neither me.
So, don't notice that. Just feel it the way you feel your favorite part of song or movies.
And in the end of the day, you will realize.

- it's not a poem, just a midnight thought.

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