Strangers, Enemies, or Friends?

Start from the beginning

(Serenity's POV)

I looked up at this stranger, yet there was something familiar about him. "Sorry," I said, quickly.

"No, my apologies, my lady," he replied in a sincere tone.

"Um, would you like me to get you a cocoa?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. I had to figure out why he looked so familiar.

"No, it's fine, really."

"No, it's okay. Hey, um, do I know you from somewhere?"

He hesitated before answering, "I don't believe so."

"Why don't you join us? It's no bother, really."

"Um, I really shouldn't. I should probably go."

"Please," I begged. "Just sit with us." I ordered him a cocoa and sat down with Corinne and the guy. We sat in awkward silence until Corinne broke the ice.

"So, hey, you look familiar," she said.

"Yes! I thought so too!" I said, surprised I wasn't just imagining things.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Corinne questioned the stranger.

"I don't believe so." He answered in a smooth, British accent. I thought about where I could have seen him before. I looked back up at him and it hit me like a sledge hammer. Loki. Loki, Thor's brother. Loki, the cause of the Battle of New York. I didn't have the heart to blow his cover. Corinne would freak out and Loki would be screwed. But what could I do?

"What's your name?" Corinne asked.

"Uh," Loki stumbled. I had to say something. I had to do something. I did the first thing that came to mind. I puked. All over the table. Loki and Corinne stood up, sending me shocking looks, though Loki's look seemed more relieved than shocked.

"Siri, are you alright? Was it the cocoa? Did they poison it? Let's get you home. Sorry, uh, sir," Corinne glanced at Loki as she spoke.

"It's alright. Um, thank you for the cocoa, my lady," he answered with a slight bow. What was he going to do? I couldn't let him get caught! I needed to get Corinne to go away for a bit, so I could find out what to do with Loki.

"Um, Corinne, could you get me some water?" I asked. It worked.

"Sure thing." She walked away and I looked back at Loki.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned in a hushed tone.


"I know it's you, Loki. What should I do?"

"How should I know? It isn't my fault I'm on this dull, pathetic Midgardian realm!" Before I could answer, Corinne was back with some water.

"Thanks. I'll be right back; I'm going to the bathroom," I said, giving Loki a look.

(Loki's POV)

The girl left, leaving me with the other one. What was I supposed to do? My identity was at risk. "So, what are you doing back on this realm?" she asked. Great. This one knew who I was, too. Would she give my identity away? "What are your schemes this time? Here to destroy Manhattan again? You know, they're still rebuilding everything there. You really caused a lot of damage. Don't worry, I won't blow your cover, but you better be careful so Siri doesn't find out."

"Um, she already knows. She thought you would freak out about it."

"Oh, well... Yeah, okay then," Corinne answered awkwardly. "We won't give you away, but what are you doing here? It's kind of stupid to show your face here after what happened."

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