Chapter 10

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Ellen had returned home late that night. She had to wait until the morning until she could call Emma, and the excitement wouldn’t hold on for much longer. Ellen kept reading the letter over and over again, whilst listening to Westlife on her iPod and she was shaking all over. She had all this energy she needed to use up, so she danced around her living room, singing along to Bop Bop Baby; the song was like a drug to her, her own personal brand of heroin, so it gave her more energy. She eventually sat down and had to catch her breath. She suddenly became increasingly tired, and she trudged over to her bedroom, managed to get changed into her pyjamas and climbed willingly into bed. She couldn’t wait to explain everything to Emma and Olly. She went to bed with the promise of seeing Westlife again that weekend, and she sobbed at the thought of having to wait a whole week until she saw Kian again.

 She woke up the next day after reliving the nightmare again. She thought that she would be okay now, but clearly her body thought differently. She woke up trembling with cold sweat on her forehead. She needed to see Emma; she would know what was wrong, as she always did. She showered and dressed quickly. She needed to get ready for work, and decided to phone Emma whilst she was at work. Adam wouldn’t mind, she was seeking medical advice after all.

 When Ellen turned up at work, she felt incredibly tired, but put on a smile when Adam looked at her. She said hi, brought them all a cup of tea or coffee and finally sat down at her desk, her energy fully drained. She made sure that Adam was working before she pulled out her mobile and called Emma’s number. The dialling tone was ringing for a long time, and just when Ellen lost hope, Emma picked up and she could hear her shushing someone in the background.


“Hey Emma, it’s me, Ellen”

“Hey Ellen, how was the concert?”

“Amazing, but that is not why I am calling”

“What’s wrong then?”

“I feel really ill. I still keep having the nightmare, and keep waking up in a cold sweat and I am still being sick sometimes.”

“Okay, you’re being serious. I’ll come over to yours now if you want”

“Can you meet me at Adam’s garage? I’m working at the moment”

“Sure, give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be there”

“Thanks, you’re the best”

“That’s what Olly keeps telling me. See ya in a minute” Emma hung up and Ellen sighed and put her phone back in her bag. Adam came in with a serious look on his face and Ellen explained that Emma was coming round for health purposes, as she didn’t feel well. His frown turned into a soft smile and he got back to work.

 Emma soon arrived and came into the office with a medical bag. She was practically promoted to a paramedic, but she hadn’t quite finished the training. Still, she was allowed to prescribe stuff to those in real need of it. Ellen smiled as she entered, and Emma smiled back and instantly got to work making her best friend feel better. Emma had a huge diamond ring on her finger, her engagement ring, and showed it to Ellen whilst giving her medical attention. She couldn’t diagnose her for certain, so she called the hospital and booked her an appointment with the emergency doctor, a close friend of Emma’s. It was after her work hours, so she didn’t have to take the afternoon off.

 Ellen and Emma swapped stories of their evening, although Ellen wished that Emma hadn’t given her quite so much detail. Emma left after an hour, once Ellen had stopped for breath. Adam had to go out on a call out, so Ellen was on her own, and in charge of the remaining workers. She brought them more coffee and tea, and brought a few biscuits out as well, to keep them happy. Ellen sat back down in her chair and started filing through the work that needed to be completed, typed up a few documents on the computer and answered and booked a few appointments before Adam came back, and he was impressed with her efforts.

 Ellen was about to start placing the folders in a certain order, but her phone went off. Ellen thought it would be Emma, so delved into her bag to retrieve her phone. Ellen didn’t look at who was calling her; she just answered it, assuming it was Emma. But it wasn’t.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Hello, is this Ellen?” The male voice was familiar, and Ellen’s jaw flew open as she identified the Irish accent. She looked down at her phone quickly and realised it was Kian’s number.

“Hi, yes it is Ellen, hi”

“You said that already, I just wanted to check that the number you text me last night worked, I wouldn’t want to get it wrong.”

“That is so sweet. Yes, well it is the right number”

“I just wanted to check that you can make this weekend, you didn’t specify in your text, you just sent a text stating that it was your number”

“Sorry about that, my head was all over the place”

“Why was that?”

“Because I had just come out of a concert where I sang with the best boy band in the world.”

“I don’t know whether we are the best”

“Trust me, you are”

“Okay, well thank you for answering my call”

“Thank you for giving me your number, for phoning me, and for letting me sing on stage with you”

“You are most welcome, and we should be thanking you for getting up on that stage and sharing your talent with the audience”

“Talent isn’t the word that I would use”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not that good, in fact I consider myself to be absolutely rubbish”

“Listen to me Ellen, you are an amazing singer, and now a small minority of people know that, and news of your singing will spread like wildfire and a recording company will most probably be in contact with you soon”

“I will take your word for that. Oh no, my brother is telling me to get off the phone, I am supposed to be working, I have to go before he confiscates it”

“Okay, I will see you this weekend then. The car will be around between nine and half past”

“Great, I look forward to it”

“Not as much as I do” With that last comment he hung up and left Ellen with a huge grin on her face.

 Adam came in and had a few words with Ellen, telling her not to use her phone as much, and Ellen looked solemn to make him feel guilty. She told him afterwards that it was an important call; it was Kian from Westlife, but he didn’t believe her and walked back into the garage, laughing at her. She left for the hospital shortly afterwards; after her work was finished, and sped off down the road.

 She sat nervously waiting in the reception area, awaiting her name to be read out. It was read out shortly after a patient exited the room, a scared look on their face, and Ellen gulped. She picked herself up and cautiously walked into the room. The doctor checked her over, and after a long consultation, came to the conclusion that she needed therapy to help her get over the accident. That should clear up all of the other problems she was having like the vomiting and her temperature. Ellen left the consultation room with a positive feeling and phoned Emma to inform her of the doctor’s diagnosis.

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