The big day!

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Today was jame's big day, or the day he becomes king, or coronation day! People were everywhere , and more horses where showing up. Which wasn't a problem but i ended up taking care of about 10,000 horses. It was crazy, after i took care of the horses, cleaned the stables, and let them in the pasture ; i went to help to set up and cook. After about 8 hours of working we were almost done so they let me go and get ready. Lucky i had slept a lot the night before or i would have passed out! So i went to the royal closet and got a royal blue dress that was just gorgeous. I had never seen it before , i guess they added new dresses for the coronation. And it was pretty comfortable , i got some silver sparking heels to go with it. And other women did my makeup and hair. Everything that happened was just wonderful and quite interesting considering about a year ago i was working at some home town restaurant now I'm working for prince James who was about to come king. I guess i didn't realize how lucky i was not every waitress got to work for a soon to be king.
Then i started to think about James and who nervous or stressed out he must be. So I decided i would find him, talk to him, and asked him if there was anything i could do. It took about an hour to find he but i finally did.
"Hey James"
"Hey Courtney"
"I just wanted to come check on you, how are you doing"
"Well I'm a little nervous, but i think i will be okay"
"That's the spirit! Is there anything i could do before it starts?"
"Nope i think everything is just perfect , thanks for helping out" and he leaned in for a hug
I hugged him and said" Your  welcome, but if you need anything at all please come to me i will be willing to help"
"Okay , once again thank you so much court and you look really beautiful"
"Thanks" i started to blush
I just realized we were actually matching he was wearing a blue tie and i was wearing a blue dress. The exact same shade of blue!

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