I paused for a second before I grabbed a brochure next to me and wrote down Make Vampires do their mind sweep on Cops. Cece saw what I wrote and gave me a raised eyebrow but instead of asking just kept folding the brochures.

"I'll discuss it at the meeting tonight. Oh, Cece and I made brochures. We'll get Gary and Bret to bring you some to pass out to your wolves."

"Brochures? Should I even ask?"

"Nope! Well have a good day. I'll see your boys tonight."

We hung up and when Cece gave me a pointed look, I decided to tell her about what Cane had suggested. Which she agreed that it was a smart idea. Apparently I wasn't the only one who had forgotten about the humans getting suspicious about the disappearance of an entire Coven of people. Knowing humans though, they'd assume the Mage's had been a cult and probably done a mass suicide for their gods.

Jared came in to let us know that a woman named Theresa was coming in for an appointment. Usually Cece would've scheduled the appointment but our work day was slightly askewed at the moment. Plus I needed her to work on folding the brochures. I'd think about hiring someone else to help out but when I thought about it, I realized that most of this work was actually SPARC's problem. In a sense I should've been making the Supernatural workers do the brochure folding.

"Work hours are in a couple of minutes. Switch the sign in the window and sit at your desk. I'll finish up in here. If there's more to be folded we can always do it later. We've still got plenty of time until sundown."

"You're right. Clients are just waiting outside your door and need me to immediately turn that sign around," she said as she rolled her eyes. It was so baffling that I had nothing to respond back with.

"Off I go to answer phones, open doors, and pass out tissues to depressed house wives."

She tossed a folded brochure onto the mountainous stack of papers to her left before heading out the door back to the front desk.

Unfortunately she wasn't exagerating. Even my work seemed to be dreary. Although to most people when they hear private investigator they assume it's flashy and interesting but it's actually exhausting even for a hybrid like myself. Hours and hours of sitting in your car with a camera or the long nights tracking information down through the computer. Jared and I did the field work and usually kept the information digging to Cece but sometimes she had to much work on her plate.

Although we were busy with the Coven's mass murder hanging over us, I decided to give Mrs. Hendrick a call and get started on her case. Unfortunately solving the Mage problem wasn't going to bring in money. Which was also another problem I would have to discuss with Jared. We couldn't just assume the supernatural community would do charity work for SPARC. Which meant we'd need to figure out how to pay our employees.

My afternoon consisted of me following Bob Hendrick around with my camera and Cece giving me sporadic calls about potential clients. When I finally walked back through the door to our work building it was a major surprise to see a nude man. I'd assumed all the naked people were secluded to my house.

"Jesus! Can't we keep the naked people locked up at the house?!"

I'd burst out as soon as I saw the man. Which meant my vision hadn't yet fallen on the woman standing next to Jared in his doorway leading to his office until Cece gave me pointed eyes. Her obvious hinting that my outburst had possibly given our business little credibility on our mental state didn't go unnoticed.

Cece chuckled almost with a hysterical lilt to it, "Sloane! Don't tell the whole office!"

I wasn't sure what she was even saying at that point. It made absolutely no sense and I'd just assumed that her brain derailed on how to respond to my crazy outburst. In fact, if the lady's shocked face gave any indication, I'd say that I'd shocked the hell out of her to the point of making her mute. Instead of trying to explain though it was better to just get into my office. Which I promptly did without another word. Leaving my brother and Cece to figure out what to say to the poor woman. It was just a complete mystery on how or why the naked man was in my office.

Sacrifice (#1 Twin's Service series) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now