"Good. I'm glad you finally came to your senses." 

She glared at me, sighing, adding a little shrug. "I'm losing my precious sleeping time with this. I'm not sure why I'm even bothering with you." 

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"Oh...nothing...just that you're a creep and that you're a liar, because I definitely saw you standing out my door for God knows what reason!"

My jaw ticked and I felt myself boiling with a bunch of different emotions.

"I shouldn't even bother, knowing that you were going to lie your way out." She continued to speak on.

"I shouldn't have even come out here to confront you about it." She sighed.

"But I'm still a hundred percent sure, that you were standing there, even for a few, small seconds - I saw you." A pause. "I'm not seeing things suddenly, am I? Because I'm -"

"- I was." I lowly snapped. She fell silent, her eyes narrowing as her lips naturally pouted at me. I let a heavy sigh fall from my lips as I uncrossed my arms from my chest, letting them find a way into my shorts pockets.

"I was standing there, you weren't seeing things." I cleared my throat. Her eyes softened slightly as well as her facial expression. However, a look of confusion mixed with a trace of victory played on her face.


I held her gaze, realizing it was time to expose the truth to her ears. She'd probably only use the word 'Creep' with more meaning after hearing it.

"I was looking for a lost, important file in my office, but later realized it was in my room." I told her lowly. "I was making my way to my room, until I heard singing."

Even with the dim hallway lights, I managed to make out the light blush which painted onto her face.

"I grew curious, because it wasn't a sound or voice I was familiar hearing. It led me to your door and then...then I saw you and realized it was you who was singing."

"Oh," She whispered. I nodded, swallowing dryly.

"Yeah. And then I saw Drew beside you...and I realized he had another nightmare and..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Oh," She repeated. I sighed, running a hand through my golden locks. Ava's eyes followed my movement, her teeth suddenly latching down on her plump, pink bottom lip. I couldn't help my wondering eyes, which gazed at her enticing action. Her bottom lip looked so soft, so inviting, so tempting...

I suddenly snapped out of my strange thoughts and shook my head at myself a little. I glanced back at Ava, who was watching me with this strange look in her eyes.

"Why does he have nightmares?" The question, which I knew I would hear soon enough, finally fell from her lips. I held her gaze, my mind raking up an answer that wouldn't make me feel and sound so guilty.

"He's a kid, Ava. It's natural for him to have them." I mumbled, awkwardly glancing away. A scoff sounded from her, making me glance up at her for a short second.

"I know it's natural for children to have nightmares. But...this frequently? And what over?" The questions were valid and hit me in the face.

"Kid stuff." I lied. I knew exactly what they were about and who featured in them. The thought of my youngest son remembering such events, it pained, hurt and angered me greatly.

"Kid stuff...right." She sighed, sounding as if she didn't believe a single word. Her eyes diverted to the ground and frown played onto her lips. Truly, she looked devastated, annoyed and disappointed. I'm not sure why, but a sudden urge to tell her truth (some truth) about his nightmares, shot through me.

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