"What's that?" I asked sitting up to prop my back against the wooden head board before looking at her. She sat up beside me and rested her chin on my shoulder before answering.

"I know I want something simple and small. Not big and splashy. It' not either of our styles. So just close friends and family."

"I like the sound of that darlin. I don't care where it is as long as it ends with you saying I do and becoming my wife. We could always sneak off just the two of us to Vegas," I said with a grin looking down at her. She snorted as she cracked up laughing.

"Yea... as fun as that would be babe, I think you value your balls way too much for that. Mama and Caroline both would kill us."

I shuddered at the thought and nodded my head in agreement. Yea, she was right. I was lost in my thoughts as I felt Lexi's hand sliding south underneath the sheets. I let out a soft groan when she circled her soft hand around my hard dick squeezing softly.

"Baby girl...." I warned. She gave it one soft stroke before kicking off the covers and darting towards the bathroom. As she made it to the doorway she paused to shoot me a sexy grin over her shoulder before blowing me a kiss. I sat there for a minute still in a daze with the sheet tenting around me. Then I heard the water turn on and I gave in a chased after her.

Lexi's POV

 During he show after we had gotten engaged, we had went ahead and released a photo and made the announcement. We both agreed that we didn't want to hide it and so what if some people thought it was way too soon. The picture we had posted on both of our social media accounts had been awesome. We had gotten the tour photographer to take it.

I had been sitting in Brantley's lap facing him with our joined hands sitting on his chest. He had angled the shot in so only our interlocked fingers showed in the photo. You could see my engagement ring standing out among all his silver biker rings. Requests for interviews and photos were pouring in but Kerri and Mike were letting us pick and choose which ones we wanted to do.

We were gearing up to make a lengthy Midwest and West Coast run of the tour which is why home would be the bus for a while. To pass the time we all took up a new endeavor to pass the time. That was an all-out prank war. While each tour usually had a few here and there, we were determined to that ours was going to top the other tours this summer. Sad thing is you had no idea who was on who's side.

The guys had swapped Brantley's mic out for mine before one show. He didn't notice it until he was already on stage and halfway through "It's About To Get Dirty" that he had my sparkly pink mic in hand instead of his black one. Britt, Caroline and I had swapped all of Luke's stage jeans out for a pair of JNCO jeans that had been popular in the 90's. They fit him in the waist by every else was long and baggy. Watching him try to shake his ass in those that night had us clutching each other backstage laughing.

Brantley, Luke and Jason had hired a group of male dancers to come on stage with Cole as he was singing "Flatliner" one night. Assholes wouldn't let us try and get a dance afterwards for ourselves. They had also enlisted Bo and Tate in a mission to throw water balloons at us one morning when the three of us girls were coming back from a jog. We had snuck in and swapped all of the guys hats around with the kids help one night too. They had all embraced it but seeing Luke come on stage with Jason's straw cowboy hat was worth a ton of photos. We had gotten them all to take a picture after the show that night to post of on Instagram. Brantley had smirked and said at least Luke's E3 Ranch hat had matched since it was black. The crowning jewel had been when Caroline had hired a street artist to paint Luke's Bronco with washable paint.

We thought he was going to have a heart attack until it wiped off with his finger. He had looked around at all of us to find the culprit until he saw his wife was red faced from holding her laughter in. He turned to stalk toward her and she screamed and took off running for the bus with him chasing her. I was wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing when Brantley wrapped his arms around me. He shook his head at them.

"Please don't ever do my truck like that baby girl," he asked. I couldn't resist the next comment out of my mouth.

"Don't worry baby I'd never do your truck like that. I'd just get them to paint your bike bright pink." I heard a growl behind me and took off running with a yelp. I heard Cole call out behind us.

"I swear being on tour with the six of y'all is like being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers." He quickly shut up when Tate looked up from the video game in his hand and rolled his eyes.

"Well, quit slacking and get your own woman dude." Carter gave him a high five as Brittney and Jason laughed before turning to make their way to their bus.

"Kid's got a point," said Jason with a laugh as Cole flipped him off before taking a seat by Tate to see what game he was playing.

After The Storm Blows Throughजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें