"So, what are you curious about?" she asked.

Gabrielle looked down at her hands and started playing with her fingers. "Well, I guess I was just wondering about the sounds you were making. You sounded as though you were enjoying it. I enjoyed it too, maybe too much. Then, I heard your voice." she said nervously.

Xena sucked in a deep breath. "What did you hear?" she asked as she sat up.

Gabrielle decided to just come out and say it. "I heard your desire for me. How much you wanted me and that you didn't want it to stop." Xena looked down and picked at the bedroll as Gabrielle continued.

"Imagine the elation I felt when I discovered that these thoughts weren't because of me being a Bacchae...that you've had those thoughts for quite some time." Xena's head snapped up as she looked at Gabrielle. Oh Gods.

"What do you think about those thoughts?" Xena asked.

Gabrielle licked her lips, "I think I'm in shock. I can't believe that you feel the same as I do. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Xena took Gabrielle's hand and sighed. "I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same and would leave. I didn't want to lose you. You're the most important thing in my life, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle smiled and squeezed Xena's hand. "So, what do we do now?"

Xena started leaning in towards Gabrielle and said, "I think we should--" their faces are inches apart now and Xena's eyes flickered to Gabrielle's then moved to her lips. "Do this." She closed the distance between them and gently pressed her lips to Gabrielle's. She ended the short kiss and pressed her forehead against hers. "How was that?" she whispered.

Gabrielle threaded her fingers into Xena's dark tresses and said nothing as she moved in to capture Xena's lips again. Xena moved her hands to Gabrielle's waist as she deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing together. Gabrielle moved to straddle Xena's lap, never breaking the kiss.

She slightly pulled on Xena's hair and pressed herself harder against her. A breathless moan escaped Xena's lips and Gabrielle's eyes snapped open at the sound, a little bit of yellow outlining her green irises. Suddenly, she roughly pushed Xena onto her back and pinned her arms above her head.

"Whoa! Gabrielle, wha--" Xena stopped when she felt Gabrielle's lips began to softly caress her neck.

She closed her eyes, biting back the moans that were threatening to come out of her. Gabrielle felt like her blood was on fire and she couldn't get close enough to Xena. She began to lick and suck at her neck. Xena moaned again, "Mmmmm." and she gasped as she felt Gabrielle lightly nip at her neck.

I can't believe we're doing this. The sounds she is making are intoxicating. I can't control myself, I need to hear more Gabrielle thought as she grinded her hips against Xena and began to suck harder at Xena's neck.

Xena tried pulling her arms up to wrap around Gabrielle's back but she shoved Xena's hands back down and held them tighter. Wow, she is a lot stronger.....gods this feels so good. I hate to stop this but we don't need to rush...

Xena tried to get Gabrielle's attention. "Gab--Gabrielle." she said breathlessly. Gabrielle continued her ministrations on Xena's neck and bit her a little harder.

Xena's eyes widened at the feeling, "Ohhhhh!" she gasped out. "Gabrielle. Wait. We have to---" Gabrielle didn't hear Xena as she was focused on sating her desires. She bit even harder and groaned against Xena's neck.

"Oh gods! Yessss." Xena groaned out. By the Gods, that feels so good! Please keep going! Wait---getting side-tracked here. I have to stop this.

Xena tried again to get Gabrielle's attention. "Gabrielle, wait! We have to stop!" she said as tried to escaped out of her grasp.

Xena's struggling broke Gabrielle out of her haze of passion. She immediately released her arms. She and Xena stared at each other, both breathing heavily. Xena noticed the change in her eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

Gabrielle looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"They have yellow in them. Sort of like your eyes looked when you were a Bacchae."

Gabrielle got off of Xena and pondered Xena's observation. "I knew something felt different. When you moaned, it was like a switch flipped inside of me.I couldn't control myself, it was intoxicating. Everything was a little hazy after that. Why'd you want to stop, anyways?"

"Ughhh, believe me. I didn't want to! We just need to take things slow. We just discovered our feelings for each other tonight and we don't need to rush things. I don't want you to regret anything."

Gabrielle smiled at Xena. "I could never regret anything involving you, Xena. You're right, though. Nothing wrong with taking things slow. I just got a little carried away." she giggled.

"How long do you think I'm going to be like this? Having the lingering effects of a Bacchae. I didn't think this would be happening considering that when you killed Bacchus, everyone returned to normal again."

Xena shrugged. "I don't know. We will look into it, but maybe it's not such a bad thing. That grip you had on me was pretty strong." she smirked as she rubbed her neck where Gabrielle left her mark.

Gabrielle blushed as she spoke, "Yeah, sorry about that. All I could think about was the passion I was feeling and this extreme focus on your neck. Guess we know why that is."

Xena smiled at her. "C'mere. Let's lie down." she said as she laid back down on the bedroll.

Gabrielle snuggled into her side and rests her head on her chest. They both were looking up at the night sky with contented smiles on their faces.

"Xena, what does that look like to you?" Gabrielle asked as she pointed to an area in the sky.

"Looks like a wolf to me."

"Well, I see a horse."

Xena squinted as she tried to make out the shape Gabrielle saw. "A horse? How do you see that?"

Gabrielle pointed, "See the flowing tail? Then there's the long neck right there."

"What? No." Xena laughed and Gabrielle smiled at her, her nose crinkling slightly.

She stifled a yawn as she said, "I'm exhausted. It's been a long day." Xena lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Indeed it has. We should get some sleep."

Gabrielle turned her head to meet Xena's lips and gave her a quick kiss.

"I love you, Xena."

"I love you too, Gabrielle. Goodnight."


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